Easy Video Ideas For YouTube For Brand Promotion

Published: 2021-05-14
Views: 1019
Author: Editorial
Published in: Video Marketing
Easy Video Ideas For YouTube For Brand Promotion

In the world of content marketing, video content is taking the lead. YouTube is the most popular video blogging, video sharing, and video marketing platform today. It's a Google-provided free platform that many people enjoy.

Although Facebook and Twitter have recently entered the video marketing game, they still lag far behind YouTube in terms of impact.

video ideas for youtube

Benefit of using YouTube videos for your brand 

Over 1 billion hours of video are watched on YouTube every day. With this huge amount of data, YouTube is the place to be if you want to be noticed.

Video ideas for YouTube

Have you run out of ideas for new YouTube videos? Or are you looking for inspiration for your first YouTube video? Make new videos with the help of this extensive list of video ideas for YouTube.

Video can be used in a variety of ways to promote your business. Little creativity and inspiration are all you need. Here are some video ideas for YouTube that you can use.

Channel Trailer

If you don't have a channel trailer, now is a good time to create one so that new subscribers can learn more about your channel.

When someone visits your channel, a video called a channel trailer starts playing automatically. Having an engaging intro video can help you gain more YouTube subscribers.

You can describe your motivation for joining YouTube and how you got started.

If you've been on YouTube for a while, tell your subscribers why you started uploading videos and what you've learned so far.

What advice would you give to someone who wanted to follow in your footsteps?

Video of a shoutout

Make a shoutout video to bring attention to someone! Someone who helped you, a favorite YouTuber, or one of your most devoted subscribers could be this person.

Make a Recommendation

Another way to add value for your viewers is to give them seemingly innocuous advice that indirectly promotes your brand, product, or expertise.

In minute-or-less video bites, provide ideas and tips for hacking make-up, kitchen, food art etc.

video ideas for youtbe

The key to these video tips is to keep them short and interesting.

The Backstage Pass

Most people believe that becoming a YouTuber is simple and requires little effort. Make a video to demonstrate to your viewers how YouTube videos are made.

Writing a script, recording, editing, and publishing, to name a few things.

Demonstrate your video editing/video production process

What is your workflow for going from raw video clips to a polished YouTube video? Take your subscribers on a journey with you!

Make a new version of an old YouTube video

If you've been making YouTube videos for a few months or years, you are most likely gotten a lot better at it through practice.

Make use of your skills and experience to improve the quality of old YouTube videos.

Video of collaboration

Make a video with another YouTuber in collaboration. If you're stuck for ideas, try a YouTube challenge or choose something from this list.

Because you promote each other to your audience, collaboration videos help your channel grow.

Motivational Films

Emotionally charged content is almost always guaranteed to elicit a response.

When people watch your videos, they want to feel something.

They want to be amused at times, surprised at others, and moved by inspirational experiences.

Are you a company that supports a cause or has a heart-warming customer story to tell? Inspirational videos make viewers feel good about the time they just spent watching them, and they promote your brand.

video idea for youtube

Commemorate Your Channel's First Birthday

You can commemorate your "YouTube anniversary" if you've been on the platform for a long time. You can make a video on YouTube after "X" months/years and talk about your experience during that time.

If you're not sure when you started on YouTube, look at the date of your first video or look at the information tab on your channel to see when it was created.

Put a reminder in your calendar if the date isn't too far away!

Mark a Subscriber Milestone with a Celebration

Hopefully, during the time you've been making YouTube videos, some people have discovered, enjoyed, and subscribed to your channel.

Create a YouTube video thanking your subscribers and discussing your channel's past and future if you reach a milestone like 100, 500, or more.


Give your viewers some products you don't use anymore or collaborate with a company to create a giveaway.

These videos are likely to receive a lot of likes, comments, and shares, which will aid in the growth of your YouTube channel.

Organize a Competition

You can do this in conjunction with a giveaway or simply host a contest in which you ask your subscribers to do something.

youtube video ideas

Videos from Influencers

If you've been following marketing trends, you're well aware of the concept of influencers.

Influencers are celebrities who help to promote your brand.

When most people think of influencers, they think of big names, but smart brands know that the names you need to generate traffic are local and industry-specific influencers.

Author Bio

The Editorial staff includes content researchers from various areas of knowledge. They add a plethora of expertise to the Hubslides Editorial team. They constantly and frequently oversee, produce and evaluate contents that are most ideal to aid impacting knowledge to readers.

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