Top Vitamins For Healthy Hair Growth

Published: 2021-10-29
Views: 837
Author: Saalim
Published in: Public Health
Top Vitamins For Healthy Hair Growth

Hair thinning is a natural occurrence. No matter how luscious your locks appear to have always been, at some point, the volume will diminish (for some more than others).

And, like so much else in our bodies, it has to do with genes.

What vitamins are good for hair?

Results from research have shown that over-the-counter vitamins for hair growth and thickness frequently contain vitamin B complex, iron, protein, and vitamin D.

You are expected to always keep the recommended daily allowance of each ingredient in mind. When in doubt, consult the National Institutes of Health's dietary supplement guide.

How long does it take hair growth vitamins to work?

Hair vitamins can deliver on their promises of long, luscious locks, but don't expect instant gratification.

2 Foods for Hair Growth You Should Be Eating Daily

While many people may admire qualities of healthy hair such as long, strong, and shiny, this can’t be achieved by everyone. The reason is because of the consumption of food that will enhance the quality of your hair.

While it is also important to keep your scalp healthy, it is more important to monitor what you eat.

  • Eggs Provide Protein. Because your hair is composed of protein, it is critical that you consume an adequate amount of protein in your diet. One of the ingredients that your hair is made up of is protein. Eggs have been found to be one of the richest natural sources of protein.
  • Citrus Fruits to Get Your Dose of Vitamin C: Since your body needs vitamin C for iron absorption, you make sure you add citrus fruits to your diet. You can start by adding one lime per day to get your daily dose of Vitamin C.

Top Vitamins for Healthy Hair Growth

What is a hair growth supplement?

Most times, you must understand that all the nutrients that your body needs cannot be gotten from food alone.

Some of these supplements can greatly help us to achieve our aim.

To be specific, the hair growth supplements are designed to help provide your body with the nutrients it requires for hair growth.

Expert on hair growth as well as hairstylists has often time recommended hair growth supplements due to the fact that they can help naturally reduce hair loss, thicken each strand of hair, promote hair growth, and improve the condition of your skin and nails.

The lowdown on vitamins and minerals for hair loss

#1. Biotin

It is an essential nutrient that is commonly found in food and is also known as vitamin B-7.

Biotin can also be found in eggs, salmon, cauliflower, avocado, and cucumber.

The main function of this supplement is to support our metabolization of carbohydrates, protein, and fat1. Don’t forget the fact that is also a hair growth supplement.

However, the main reason why so many people take it is to improve their hair, skin, and nails.

Because of the increased popularity of biotin as a supplement, it has been dubbed "hair food," but there is only limited evidence to support this claim.

#2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D aids in the formation of new hair follicles, and a prolonged decrease in levels can result in brittle hair that accumulates around your drain.

It is recommended by the Mayo Clinic that adults should consume at least 600 International Units (IU) of Vitamin D per day. Although, 1000 to 2000 IU per day is also considered safe since it will help to keep your bones, muscles, nerves, and immune system in good working condition.

#3. Zinc

Another vitamin need is zinc. Lack of zinc has been traced to a variety of hair loss disorders, according to research.

Other research has shown that zinc supplements could reduce hair loss caused by telogen effluvium, a hair-thinning disorder caused by stress, toxins, or trauma.

However, Baylor College of Medicine researchers point out that the sample size was small, and there isn't enough evidence to suggest that zinc promotes hair growth in other situations.

When you take an overdose of zinc, it might result in stomach problems such as nausea and diarrhea.

#4. Keratin

Keratin contains amino acids. Sometimes, the body will rob from the hair if it requires protein for other functions.

Do hair vitamins and supplements work?

To be honest with you as regards this question, it is difficult to give you a straightforward answer.  This is because many factors can influence hair growth and health.

Although, a lot of people would swear that hair vitamins and supplements do help to support overall hair health.

The main theory surrounding hair supplements is based on internal structural support.

Let me briefly explain this to you:

Keratin which is a type of protein that is considered to contain about 18 amino acids including cysteine, proline, threonine, leucine, and arginine, is the main component of hair.

Just as the body carries out many processes, keratin production is heavily influenced by free radical damage and oxidative stress, both of which can be alleviated or neutralized by antioxidants.



Author Bio

For over 4 years, Saalim has worked as a branding, digital marketing, and SEO expert. He has been assisting with website design, SEO strategy, content marketing, and user experience improvements. He publishes on a variety of topics and is a contributing writer to a number of high-quality blogs and websites.

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