How To Read Books Online

Published: 2021-10-25
Views: 827
Author: Saalim
Published in: Education
How To Read Books Online

A lot of expensive or difficult-to-find content has become much more accessible thanks to the digital age. There is so much that you will gain from these online book platforms which includes the fact that you will have easy access to knowledge for much longer than a lifetime.

These online reading book platforms have lots of books for you to read for free. You can guess how much you have been missing!

We have pulled together a list of some of the best sites where you can easily download the books and then read on your computer or mobile device.

How to Read Books Online

In addition, you don’t need to carry heavy books around because online books are as light as your device.

One outstanding device that has led the world of online books is the Kindle device. The device will help you to keep a digital bookshelf of all your books.

This is also useful if you travel. There's no need to limit yourself to one or two books when you can bring your entire bookshelf with you!  To read online, you do not need to own an e-reader.

For those who might prefer to read their books on the internet, any browser can also work on any device.

3 Best Places that Have Free Books Online

#1. Overdrive.

Overdrive is used by many public library systems to house their ebook collections.

Yes, libraries have a large selection of online books. You can easily obtain free books from your local library system.

To access Overdrive from my phone, I like to use the Libby app. It usually works in the same way as a physical library does.

You can use this online tool to borrow books, put them on hold as well as recommend books for the library to buy.

What's the best part? There are no late fees.

Because books are automatically returned on their due date, there is no risk of you forgetting to return them and incurring fees.

To use this great tool, you are not required to spend a dime because the books are free. The only thing that you need to have is a regular library card.

#2. Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is another digital library you can use to read or download books online. It allows you to gain access to free public domain ebooks that are already available to the general public.

It's a great place to find free ebooks, but it can be difficult to find books you'd like to read if you don't know what you're looking for.

Here's how to download Project Gutenberg books to your Kindle, and here's a list of 2780+ Project Gutenberg books you can download, organized by category.

#3. Amazon Free ebooks.

Amazon, the largest ebook seller also has free ebooks for you to read. The platform offers these free Kindle ebooks to all users of the platform.

When you just search for ebooks and sort by lowest to the highest price, you will find the kind of book that you are looking for.

Although to get free books, you need to ensure to only choose books with a Kindle price of $0.00.

#4. Young Readers

This is yet another great platform for you to read classic books. Just as its name implies, the platform is a site that has great classic books created from the public domain as the author's copyright has expired.

You can use the platform to read books both onscreen and downloaded as an ePub, PDF, as well as Kindle version to read offline.

#5. Epic! 9-12 Years Collection

Epic is a platform that caters to books that are targeting 9-12-year-olds.

The Oxford Owl 9-11 Years Collection consists of the following items: The Oxford Owl website, which we mentioned in our post about Free Online Books for Kids, has a small collection of free books for children aged 9 to 11.

You need to register on the platform before you can gain access to the free book titles.

How to Read Books Online

3 Websites to Download academic books for free

#1. PDF Drive

For those interested in academic books, you can use PDF Drive to download any books of your choice. The platform contains magazines, articles, and journals, as well as ebooks for every subject.

One outstanding fact about the platform is that its database has more than 90 million books, and these books are free for you to preview and download.

In addition, the PDF Drive does not require you to register or log in before using the platform.  

#2. Library Genesis

The Library Genesis online platform comes to mind if you intend to get scientific and academic topics. This platform is the best place to hit because of the free access to more than a million books, journals, articles as well as papers.

A world-class digital library where you can download books in PDF, MOBI, EPUB, and DJVU formats.

#3. Bookboon

This website is primarily concerned with two major topics: students' textbooks and business e-books.

Part of what you must note is that the Bookboon platform provides free books which include textbooks. The platform has more than 70 million books for you to download.

Reading them is an option for business professionals, but downloading them is not.

You are required to register as well as log in before you can download books from this platform.

Finally, some business books are only available through a premium subscription.



Author Bio

For over 4 years, Saalim has worked as a branding, digital marketing, and SEO expert. He has been assisting with website design, SEO strategy, content marketing, and user experience improvements. He publishes on a variety of topics and is a contributing writer to a number of high-quality blogs and websites.

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