Job Interviews: How To Improve Your Interviewing Techniques

Published: 2021-08-19
Views: 380
Author: Contributor
Published in: Career
Job Interviews: How To Improve Your Interviewing Techniques

One big challenge that any organization might face is in finding the best candidate for a particular position in the organization.

This can be seen during the interview process. To make good improvements in your interview process, follow these tips.

Most times, an interview is meant to help your organization to get the best candidate for the expected job. 

A successful interview process should also help you to get a glimpse into the values, motivation, behavior as well as qualification of the candidate.

How to Improve Your Interviewing Techniques
Top Six (6) Different Types of Interviews

There are so many ways that you can interview new candidates for a position in your organization. Depending on the best fit method for your process of selection you can pick any of these interview types and use them to get the best candidates for the job.

#1. Phone Interview

The phone interview method is helpful for an organization that doesn’t feel like bringing in candidates to be interviewed in person. It saves a slot of cost the time. Some situations are quite favorable for phone interviews.

When you have gone through different applications, you can request a phone interview with the top applicants, the use of recruiting or hiring a manager will ease the work.

One advantage of using the phone interview method is that it will save your time and resources through the reduction of the number of candidates coming into the office.  

How to Improve Your Interviewing Techniques

#2. Video Interview

The video interview is another method that can be used in two ways. The first is that the candidates will be given questions to answer.

The questions from the interviewer are expected to be answered in a video and submitted to the interviewer. This is a form of video interview know to be one-way.

The second way is to have a full live video interview with the candidate. A complete video chat is used in this method to carry out the interview. It is also known as a two-way interview method.

How to Improve Your Interviewing Techniques

#3. In-person Interview

The In-person interview method is generally carried out in the office of the interviewer. This is when you invite the candidate for a face-to-face interview process.

It benefits both the organization and the candidates because they will get to meet in person and have better interaction.

More observation can be made and it is easier to note the candidate’s responses.

#4. Group Interview

For a large number of candidates, you can use a group interview method. This is when you interview the candidates in a group instead of on an individual basis. 

It will aid the selection of the top candidates from the rest of the group. This method is ideal when you don’t have the time to interview the candidates individually.

#5. Panel Interview

The direct reverse of a one on one interview is the group interview. It is a method that allows panelists to interview a candidate or a group of candidates at the same time.

You can use this method effectively for an in-person interview as well as a video interview.

#6. Internal Promotion

When any staff in the organization is being interviewed, it is quite different from that of an external candidate.

There could be an interview for the purpose of promoting the staff from their current level to the next level. In this case, an internal promotion method is applied.

Most times, it is easier for both the candidates and the interviewer because they are accustomed to each other.

How to Improve Your Interviewing Techniques

Employing someone in a position that doesn’t fit them may lead to a challenge in the company.

You can easily relate some factors that greatly contribute to the failure of some interviewing techniques.

How to Improve Your Interviewing Techniques

#1. Inadequate planning toward the interview

When you don’t make a proper plan toward a successful interview, it might end up going against you. In preparing to interview a candidate, you need to

  • Check the position that is been applied for.
  • Know what the position entails.
  • Go through the application properly to know the best.
  • Outline the questions that you need to ask the candidates.

#2. Not knowing the Purpose for replacement.

In today’s job market, there are so many job competencies that are required from an applicant. To understand the best candidates, you need to be able to let them know why the position is a fit for them and why they should remain with your organization.

You need to find out on time the basic qualities that the incumbent had so that you will be able to for someone with related qualities to occupy the position.

#3. The structure is lacking in the interview process.

When an interview process lacks a sound structure, it gradually losses credibility. A structured process helps to interview the candidates on a fairground.

First, the question to be asked is the same. So, when the candidates go through the questions, they will be graded with the same yardstick.

Although, the traditional interview process can’t be completely trustworthy. So using a structured interview method will help you to succeed. You also need to add more to the structured of the interview.

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Contributor comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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