Best Language Learning Tips For A French Non-speaker

Published: 2021-04-25
Views: 496
Author: Editorial
Published in: Career
Best Language Learning Tips For A French Non-speaker

With the latest technological advancements, new language learning does not have to take hours per day. Learning French has never been easier or more available as it is nowadays.

Hopefully, this information would help you in selecting the best French tutoring choice for you, whether it is in person or through an online or mobile app.

francais, French language

It is now easier than ever to master the fundamentals of French. You can find it difficult to know where to begin because there are so many choices. Here are some helpful hints to get you started.

Calculate how much free time you have

Consider how much free time you have each day and how much of it you're able to devote to learning French. Starting with a learning schedule is a fantastic idea.

If you have a half-hour free each evening, set aside the time and stick to it every night. It would be easier to understand if you incorporate it into your daily life as soon as possible.

There are several online courses (paid and free) available that only require 15-20 minutes of learning time per day, so take a look.


Resources available both online and offline

Do not undervalue how much French you already know. You'll be surprised by how much French you have picked up over the years simply by watching movies and television.

You may not need to pay for costly French lessons. You could begin by purchasing a basic phrase-book or downloading an app to your phone.

These books will cost a few bucks, while most apps are free once downloaded to your phone, but they contain everything you'll ever need to get started.

They will not only teach you basic grammar, pronunciation, and numbers, but they will also include everyday words and phrases that will have you speaking and understanding French in no time.

You will be blown away by how much detail these books and apps provide. They're generally small enough to fit in your pocket and flexible enough to take with you everywhere you go. If you get bored, go back to your book or mobile app and pick up another word.


It's simple to begin learning French, but remaining motivated to do so is more difficult. Make sure you set achievable goals for yourself. Nobody has ever mastered a foreign language in a week.

It takes time, so don't get discouraged if you don't get it right away. Stick to your study schedule and don't give up.

Educate yourself

Have you considered teaching yourself how to speak French for free? It can seem complicated, but it is simple once you know-how. The best place to begin is with your ears.

Get online and listen to some French podcasts and internet radio stations.

The more you listen, the more you will notice how close English and French are. You will start to grasp some of what they are doing before you know it.

You would be astounded by how easily this occurs. Another excellent suggestion is to watch or stream some French movies from the internet.

All international films now have English subtitles, making it easy to follow along.

Tuition delivered in person

If you want to learn French easily, one-on-one French lessons may be the way to go. While this can be costly, you will be able to speak and understand French in no time.

Learning french

This is the way to go if you are serious about learning another language and are willing to pay for it.

You may decide to enrol in a class or employ a tutor to teach you at home or a designated location.

Attending an evening class is a perfect way to save money. You won't get the same level of personalized treatment, but you can expect to see some pretty good results in a short period of time.

If you are learning a new language, don't give up

If you begin to lose motivation, don't just give up. You should always take a different path to learning, such as enrolling in a class, hiring a tutor, or purchasing an online course.

Most modern language courses recognize that people are busy, so they design online courses and mobile apps that require less than 20 minutes of daily study time. I'm sure you could carve out 20 minutes a day from your hectic schedule to learn a new ability.

Travelling to France

These brief regular sessions aid in the retention of knowledge and serve as a great motivator.

If you really want to give up, maybe a trip to France will be beneficial. A vacation will rejuvenate you more than anything else. Your French will improve immediately, and your drive to learn will be doubled when you return.

Hopefully, these suggestions for French tutoring have educated and aided you in your quest to learn French.

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The Editorial staff includes content researchers from various areas of knowledge. They add a plethora of expertise to the Hubslides Editorial team. They constantly and frequently oversee, produce and evaluate contents that are most ideal to aid impacting knowledge to readers.

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