Boosting Immune System Vitamins C & D Enriched Foods

Published: 2021-04-20
Views: 766
Author: Editorial
Published in: Food & Drink
Boosting Immune System Vitamins C & D Enriched Foods

Oranges are a balanced fruit when eaten in moderation, but they are not considered a low sugar fruit.

The immune system has been shown to be suppressed by too much sugar.

Vitamin C

Further, excess sugar in the diet decreases Vitamin C concentration in cells.

Since insulin is the carrier that carries both sugar and vitamin C through the cell wall, they are in direct competition.

When there is so much sugar in the body, insulin becomes “too busy” to deliver Vitamin C to the cells, where it is needed to do its job.

While oranges are a good source of this essential antioxidant, with 52 mg of Vitamin C per serving, there are many foods, including vegetables, that have more Vitamin C than an orange, as mentioned below:


Manganese, Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, and iron are all essential for bone health, and zucchini is a good source of them.

It's better to eat them raw because the peel is the most nutrient-dense part of the vegetable.

Bell Peppers (Red and Green)

Red bell peppers have the highest concentration of Vitamin C.

To get the same amount of Vitamin C from one red bell pepper, you'd have to eat three oranges.

The green bell pepper, its dependable twin, contains 96 mg of Vitamin C.

In addition, a red bell pepper has just 3.9 grams of sugar, while a green bell pepper has just 2.9 grams, which is almost three times less than an orange.

Vitamin A and E are also abundant in this antioxidant-rich food.

If you're going to eat bell peppers, buy organic. They are heavily treated with pesticides.


Kale is a nutritious powerhouse with 80 milligrams of vitamin C per cup and just 1.6 milligrams of sugar.

Vitamins A and K, as well as iron, are abundant in this cruciferous vegetable.

Kale, which is high in antioxidants, protects the bones and body from oxidative stress.


Each cup of this cleansing vegetable contains 78.4 mg of Vitamin C.

Broccoli, like other cruciferous vegetables, has a low sugar content, with just 1.4 grams per cup.

Broccoli also contains a high amount of calcium, Vitamin K, and antioxidant flavonoids.

Brussel sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a superfood because they are so nutritious.

Brussels sprouts are high in many Foundation Supplements, including Vitamin K, folate, and manganese, and are popular for their cancer-fighting abilities.

One cup of Brussels sprouts has 75 milligrams of vitamin C and just 1.9 milligrams of sugar.


With 52 mg of Vitamin C per cup, this bone-building vegetable comes closest to orange in terms of Vitamin C content.

Cauliflower, on the other hand, has just a fraction of the sugar content of an orange, with just 2.4 grams.

To ensure your immune system and the bone remodeling will work at optimum levels, you should recommend a twice-yearly cleanse in addition to taking sufficient quantities of Vitamin C and limiting your sugar intake.

Toxins circulating in the body have been shown to inhibit the immune system.

Furthermore, the liver and kidneys play a key role in detoxification, and the more toxins they have to deal with, the less effective they can perform the functions required for bone development.

Vitamin D

Another easy way to strengthen your bones and boost your immune system is by consuming vitamin d enriched food

When you are exposed to the sun's rays, your skin produces vitamin D, which has a variety of effects on your body.

Apart from having Vitamin D from the sun, you can also get it from foods, and you can still take high-quality supplements to make sure you get enough.

Foods containing vitamin D

Fatty fish, such as tuna, mackerel, and salmon, to name a few, are high in Vitamin D.

To reduce toxin exposure, always eat wild-caught fish rather than farmed fish.

Free-range chickens, mushrooms, and a high-quality cod liver oil supplement are all good sources.

Importance of Vitamin D

The synthesis of calcium in our bodies is aided by vitamin D.

As a result, getting enough Vitamin D will aid in the development of solid, healthy bones.

Calcium is essential for strong bones, and Vitamin D is needed to achieve this balance. 

Furthermore, it helps to strengthen your immune system, which can help you reduce your risk of disease.

Vitamin D can also help you control your mood, according to research.

So being out in the sun every day will help you beat the blues and improve your mood on a regular basis.

The secret to enjoying the effects of supplementation and/or sun exposure is consistency.

Have you ever noticed how good you feel when the weather is nice and you're outside?

To avoid skin damage, always use caution when exposed to the sun.

Now that you understand why Vitamin D is so important, it's up to you to make an effort to increase your Vitamin D levels by eating more wild fatty fish or taking a walk in the sun.

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The Editorial staff includes content researchers from various areas of knowledge. They add a plethora of expertise to the Hubslides Editorial team. They constantly and frequently oversee, produce and evaluate contents that are most ideal to aid impacting knowledge to readers.

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