Orange As A Source Of Vitamin C For The Body

Published: 2021-04-17
Views: 593
Author: Jummie
Published in: Food & Drink
Orange As A Source Of Vitamin C For The Body

Vitamins are needed in the body as it is an essential class of food group. There are Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, and K.

Advantages of Vitamin C

Vitamin C aids in the formation of immunity and helps in the treatment of cold and flu symptoms.

It is a water-soluble vitamin known as L-ascorbic acid that can be contained in a variety of fruits and vegetables.

This vitamin, which is mainly present in citrus fruits and green vegetables, is a strong antioxidant.

Vitamin C has been shown to protect your memory as you age, from controlling your high blood pressure to reducing your risk of heart disease.

Both of these advantages are part of vitamin C, but it is particularly essential for the human body since it aids in the prevention and treatment of diseases as well as providing immunity.

If you eat a high-vitamin C meal, it will aid in the repair of your body's tissues.

Fruits rich in Vitamin C

Not only that, a Vitamin C-rich diet also aids in the quick healing of wounds and the repair of bones.

It's also been suggested that a vitamin C-rich diet will boost the skin while also reducing the signs of aging.

You can eat banana-based dishes, as well as citrus fruits such as oranges, kiwis, pineapple, tomatoes, and, of course, lemon.

Green vegetables such as capsicum, carrots, broccoli, kale, mustard spinach, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts may also be used in one's diet.

One of the most important things to remember about dishes made with vitamin C-rich foods is that they should not be cut for too long because vitamin C is lost when exposed to air.

Orange as a source of Vitamin C

You could reach for a tall glass of orange juice when the first sniffles of the season strike.

Oranges, after all, are high in flavonoids, minerals, fiber, and a variety of vitamins, including Vitamin C, a potent multi-tasking antioxidant.

Orange juice, while soothing and tasty, contains a lot of bone-depleting sugar – 21 grams, to be exact, and one medium-sized orange has 9 grams.

Sugar is toxic, as savers know because it induces bone loss and suppresses the immune system, among other things.

Thankfully, oranges aren't the only fruit that contains this essential Foundation Supplement.

Furthermore, each one is sugar-free, and others are cruciferous vegetables that aid in body cleansing.

Vitamin C, the Nutritional Powerhouse 

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which is listed as a Foundation Supplement in the Osteoporosis Reversal Program, is important for good immunity, bone health, and much more.

Here are some of its most important functions:

  • Defends against oxidative stress
  • Is needed for collagen synthesis and connective tissue integrity.
  • Aids in the development and maintenance of a strong immune system.
  • Is required for the production of neurotransmitters
  • Promotes the growth of osteoblasts
  • Helps calcium to be assimilated into the bones.
  • Prevents bone-eroding osteoclasts from forming.

Is Vitamin C Effective in Preventing Colds and Flu?

So far, studies on whether Vitamin C prevents colds and the flu have yielded mixed results.

It does, however, reduce the severity and length of the symptoms, with some research indicating a one-day reduction in symptoms.

Vitamin C aids in the formation of cytokines by white blood cells, the defense of leukocytes from oxidative damage, the proliferation of T and B lymphocytes, and the detoxification of histamine, to name a few.

What Is the Appropriate Amount of Vitamin C to Take?

A daily vitamin C intake of 500 mg is ideal as ascorbic acid is highly recommended by doctors.

Since Vitamin C is water-soluble, the body can eliminate excess amounts as required.

If you want to improve your Vitamin C intake, consuming it to "bowel immunity" is a good way to see how you respond.

This is a way of gradually increasing the amount of Vitamin C consumed, stopping only short of the amount that causes loose stools, bloating or gas.

A research released in 2017 looked at the results of two randomized control trials that looked at the effects of different doses of Vitamin C on the common cold.

The common cold and the length of symptoms were found to have a strong dose-response relationship in both studies.

In reality, those who consumed 8 grams of Vitamin C per day had a 19% shorter duration of symptoms than those who consumed 4 grams of Vitamin C per day.

How to prevent Fracture With Vitamin C

A major study has provided evidence that Vitamin C is critical for bone health.

Researchers performed a meta-analysis involving 2,899 hip fracture patients and 7,908 healthy participants from six studies.

The researchers discovered that every 50 mg rise in Vitamin C intake reduced the risk of hip fracture by 5%.

According to the findings, rising daily Vitamin C levels will substantially lower the risk of hip fractures.

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