Why Mobile Learning Is Important

Published: 2024-01-31
Views: 353
Author: Contributor
Published in: Internet Business
Why Mobile Learning Is Important

Mobile learning, also referred to as mLearning, is a way of accessing learning content through mobile devices. This method empowers learning at the point of need, enabling users to access content whenever and wherever suits them.

The most important element of mobile learning is its focus on the mobility of the learner - giving them the ability to choose when and where they want to access learning means that they can go at their own pace, increasing engagement and improving knowledge retention.

Key Characteristics of mLearning                                     

There are several key characteristics which make mobile learning so effective for training dispersed workforces:

1. Microlearning Content

Mobile learning is often used to deliver microlearning content: 2–5-minute bursts of relevant information designed to maintain learners’ attention and bolster knowledge retention.

Microlearning content works by replicating the content we consume daily via our social media feeds, leveraging short form video, animation, gamification, quizzes and more interactive formats to better engage the modern workforce.

2. Social Learning

Also, with the aim of replicating online behaviors, mobile learning often utilizes social learning to boost engagement.

This might include a forum, newsfeed or chat function for learners to ask each other questions, connect with peers and share their insights.

3. Seamless Access

Though not provided by all mLearning platforms, seamless access is fast becoming a crucial element of mobile-based training solutions.

Whether it’s removing the login process with seamless links or embedding content directly into your native app, removing this friction vastly increases engagement and makes training even more accessible for learners on the go.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Learning

So, we know what mobile learning is. But is it the right training format for your workforce? Take a look at the following advantages and disadvantages to find out.

The Advantages

1. Millennials Love Mobile

80% of the world’s population are now using smartphones. Among millennials, who now make up over half of the global workforce, mobile phone usage shoots up to 97%.

Millennials don’t just use their mobile phones however; they are attached to them. 90% always have their smartphone nearby.

It makes sense that the easiest way to reach the modern learner is through the device that they use - and rely on - the most.

2. It’s More Efficient

Research shows that m-learning improves productivity by up to 43%, with learners completing courses up to 45% faster than those learning via desktop.

Short form content that can be completed on the go enables learning to be embedded within existing workflows, empowering your workers rather than disrupting them.

Mobile learning is also more efficient to create and disseminate. Managers are able to update and deliver courses to their dispersed teams within minutes, saving valuable time that can be spent elsewhere.

3. It's More Accessible

Especially for deskless workers, having 24/7 access to bitesize mobile training modules via the device they already use is essential.

Going one step further by embedding learning within an existing worker app will make learning even more accessible for your dispersed employees, removing the need to remember login details and ensuring that they always have access to the information they need.

4. It's More Engaging

Condensing large quantities of information into bitesize chunks makes for a learning experience that is quick and painless, while adding interactive elements such as quizzes and leaderboards helps to engage learners and keep them motivated.

Learners are able to pick up their phones, complete a 2-3 minute lesson, and then get straight back to what they were doing.

This means that learning can become a part of their existing workflow, and users can immediately see the value of it, leading to an increase in employee motivation.

5. It's Cost-Effective

Relying on in-person training methods is costly for businesses: renting a space, hiring an instructor, printing out training materials, covering travel and food expenses, and even taking into account lost productivity from time spent in the classroom all adds up, and fast.

Switching to mobile learning eliminates these costs immediately. The increased engagement with mobile training also means higher completion rates and higher ROI.

The Disadvantages

1. It Can Be a Distraction

If not done right, bringing mobile phones into the workplace can act as a distraction.

If learners are interrupted by text messages, notifications and the appeal of social media feeds, mobile learning has the potential to disrupt productivity, rather than aiding it.

That’s why it’s important to choose a platform which makes training as engaging and interactive as possible, so as to maintain your learners’ attention.

2. Tech Barriers

Lack of access to mobile technology or internet connection can be a huge barrier for companies hoping to leverage m-learning.

It’s important to consider how your teams currently work, the technology they have access to, and what kind of training will have the biggest impact before choosing any kind of learning solution.

The deskless workforce is particularly underserved when it comes to technology.

Consider investing in providing them with the right mobile technology to support their needs and progression - it’ll make them more productive and save you a considerable amount of time and money in the long run.

3. Expertise

A training program is only as good as its content - no matter how user friendly the software is or interactive the gamification features are, if the content isn’t right for your learners, you won’t be able to reap the benefits of mobile learning.

Ensure that your learning content is designed around your workers’ needs. What information do they need to do their jobs effectively? Which format is best suited to their workflow?

If your team is lacking this kind of expertise, you might want to consider opting for learning consultancy to ensure that you get the most out of your m- learning software and drive real business results.

Author Bio

Contributor comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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