Social Media Versus Social Network

Riley White
Published: 2024-01-10
Views: 324
Author: Riley White
Published in: Internet Business
Social Media Versus Social Network

The use of mobile and web-based technologies as a mode of communication and interaction has greatly increased.

This is due to the advantages associated with the use the various platforms available for virtual interaction such as social media platforms as well as a business platform.

This brings together people who have a common interest and may be miles away from each other.

Social media and social networking are some of the most common terms in this kind of interaction, and has overtaken traditional marketing methods. Despite the fact that people take them as the same thing, the two have major differences.

 What is social media?

This is the use of web-based technology as an interactive means, usually with a broad audience. In this scenario, everyone has an opportunity to create, share, distribute and engage in content.

Some of the social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. Blogs, videos, podcasts, and newsletters are some of the content types popular among the platforms.

These platforms are used to facilitate shared content including pictures, video, and copy. They’re also where businesses can promote their services, start new projects, and interact with their online community.

What is Social Networking?

This is the creation of both business and personal relationships and maintaining an interactive environment, with an aim of building a network. In social networking, profiles are built with personal details, and the content based on people’s interactions.

 Differences Between social media and Social Networking

Social media is the use of web-based technology as an interactive means, usually with a broad audience.

On the other hand, social networking is the creation of both business and personal relationships and maintaining an interactive environment, with an aim of building a network.

1. Target Crowd for social media and Social Networking

While social media may not have a specific target crowd, social networking is very specific on the target crowd.

2. Goals of social media vs. Social Networking

While the goal of social media is to interact and generate buzz, the goal of social networking is to build a network and also nurture the relationships.

3. Communication Style

While social media is basically a message delivering channel to users, social networking involves two-way communication, hence developing relationships.

4. Timely Responses

Social media may not have timely responses as it is not fully interactive. On the other hand, social networking fosters timely responses as it involves direct communication among the parties involved.

5. Bottom Line for Decision Makers

 The dreaded ROI, return on investment social media is more like traditional advertising in the sense it is more difficult to measure the results.  

It is all about what is in those numbers; brand buzz, internet hype towards your brand and how deep those go in terms of how many people repeat and share the information (that’s where the tracking gets tricky).

 Social Networking is exhibited by your participation as it will directly result in increased traffic to your website. 

Social Networking vs. social media: What are the Similarities?

In spite of the major differences, there are a couple of similarities between social networking and social media.

The first thing that social networking and social media have in common is both of them focus on online activities.

By design, both social networking and social media are Internet-based and give users quick electronic interaction and communication.

The second thing is that they both depend on viral marketing to become truly successful. If your content goes viral, more and more audiences will be paying attention to your brand, and the more online traffic you will have.

What does this all mean to you as a Marketer?

Social networking and social media do have some overlap, which is the reason why it gets confusing. However, the fact is they are not the same thing.

Understanding that they are two separate marketing concepts can make a difference in how you position your business going forward.

As a marketer, you should know that, no matter personal or business purposes, human interaction cannot be ignored.

Both social networking and social media come in handy in boosting the interaction between you and your audiences.

Through communicating and building relationships with potential customers, you can tell them that your brand is active, and then drive their loyalty.

The choice of whether to focus on social networking or social media ultimately depends on the scope and business goals.

However, they are both of critical importance to your business, and you should take full advantage of both for greater success.

Summary of social media vs. Social Networking

For both personal and business needs, human interaction cannot be ignored. Both social media and social networking come in handy in boosting the interaction among the audience.

The choice of whether to use social media and social networking ultimately depends on the scope and also a person’s goals.

Author Bio

The author is currently blog-walking, reading, researching, and writing about the most pressing global concerns. She is also quite interested in reviewing a variety of tips and tricks in a variety of industries.

The author's main aim is that the entire post will be extremely useful and valuable to the readers, as well as providing a solution to some key consumer issues.

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