Post Natal Care: How To Get Rid Of Stretch Mark

Published: 2021-11-09
Views: 477
Author: Editorial
Published in: Human Health
Post Natal Care: How To Get Rid Of Stretch Mark

Stretch marks are an expected and irritating side effect of pregnancy. These pinkish streaks appear during six or seven months of pregnancy and frequently remain after your baby is born.

To get rid of stretch marks on their stomachs, hips, and breasts, some women use pricey, chemical-laden lotions. Did you know, however, that natural therapies can be just as effective?

Post Natal Care: How to Get Rid of Stretch Mark

This article highlights some natural stretch mark remedies that you may buy or do yourself at home.

What are stretch marks and how do you get them?

Stretch marks (striae distensae or stria atrophicus) are scars created by tears in the collagen and elastin fibers that sustain the skin's structure. 

Stretch marks appear in the dermis, the skin's second layer, which contains connective tissues. They happen when your skin stretches, which commonly happens during periods of rapid growth, and include:

• Pregnancy

• Gaining weight

• Growth spurts

• Losing weight

• Rapid muscle gain, similar to what you'd get from weight training

What causes stretch marks?

Stretch marks occur as a result of internal tearing caused by fast expansion. Although skin is elastic, if it is stretched too much in a short period of time, internal tears occur, resulting in stretch marks.

Stretch marks are long, narrow stripes or lines on the skin that occur when the skin is stretched unexpectedly or too quickly. They commonly appear on the stomach, thighs, hips, upper arms, back, and other body parts.

Stretch marks are a type of scarring that develops when the skin is unable to return to its original shape after a period of rapid expansion, such as during pregnancy, weight gain or loss, or puberty.

Post Natal Care: How to Get Rid of Stretch Mark

In a nutshell, stretch marks are caused by excessive skin shrinkage or expansion. Stretch marks are more common in some persons due to factors such as family history, chronic illnesses, or BMI.

Stretch Marks on the Arms and Thighs: What Causes Them?

The human skin is the body's biggest organ, with amazing ability to contract and stretch. Despite its elasticity and strength, stretching it too far or too quickly can cause harm to the supporting tissues, resulting in stretch marks.

Stretch marks are caused by overstretching or tearing of the skin as a result of weight increase, breast implant surgery, bodybuilding, steroid use, or puberty growth.

Stretch marks arise when the body expands or contracts quicker than the skin can respond.

The subcutaneous tissues are squeezed excessively tight when parts of the body suffer fast growth, causing skin tissue to rupture. Scars and stretch marks might form as a result of this.

Stretch marks can appear during a rapid weight reduction journey for a variety of reasons, the most common of which is losing more than two pounds each week.

When this happens, the body produces hormones that stop collagen formation in the skin. The skin's support system is weakened when collagen and elastin levels are low, allowing stretch marks to appear.

Do-It-Yourself remedies that work to get rid of stretch marks

Stretch marks, like any scar, are permanent but may disappear with time. There is no ultimate cure for stretch marks because they are created by a tear deep within your skin. Here are some home remedies for your use.

DIY #1: Lemon Juice with Cucumber

Lemon juice has natural acidity that helps in the reduction and healing of scars, while cucumber juice gives a cool, relaxing effect that leaves your skin feeling refreshed.

How to use:

Mix equal amounts lime juice and cucumber juice and put to the affected areas until the mixture is absorbed by the skin.

Allow it to sit on your skin for around 10 minutes before washing it off with warm water.

DIY #2: Coconut and Almond Oil

This home remedy is entirely natural, thus there are no negative side effects.

How to use:

To reduce stretch marks, mix equal parts of almond and coconut oil. It should be massaged into the skin on a daily basis. Keep this solution in mind and keep an eye out for positive effects.

DIY #3: Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a plant that aids in the revival of skin tissue, making it a remarkable healer.

How to use:

Remove the new gel from the leaves and massage it into the stretch marks for 20 to 30 minutes. Do it every day and wash it off with lukewarm water.

How can I get rid of stretch marks for good?

Many therapies have been developed and promoted as effective in the removal of stretch marks. Stretch marks, on the other hand, rarely go away completely.

Stretch mark treatments performed by dermatologists or plastic surgeons can significantly minimize their appearance. They're frequently expensive and aren't covered by health insurance. Among the treatments are:

• Plastic surgery

• microdermabrasion

• Laser therapy

Stretch marks are commonly thought of as an aesthetic problem. They can be extensive in some cases, causing them to rupture easily in the event of an accident.

Some therapies, on the other hand, may make them less apparent. There are certain therapies that can help you get rid of the itch. There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for everyone, and some treatments are ineffective.

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The Editorial staff includes content researchers from various areas of knowledge. They add a plethora of expertise to the Hubslides Editorial team. They constantly and frequently oversee, produce and evaluate contents that are most ideal to aid impacting knowledge to readers.

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