A Guide On How To Lose Lower Abdominal Fat

Published: 2021-07-30
Views: 572
Author: Writer
Published in: Human Health
A Guide On How To Lose Lower Abdominal Fat

Getting rid of the lower belly or abdominal fat or abdominal fat is not an easy task but it is very possible and attainable, though it is difficult to eliminate because it cannot be treated as a separate body part.

Learn about your lower abdominal fat

Lower abdominal fat is divided into two types: visceral fat and subcutaneous fat.

Deep in your abdomen and wrapped around your internal organ is visceral fat.

It produces hormones and substances that increase your chances for conditions such as cancer, type 2 diabetes or heart disease, and is much more hazardous for visceral fat.

Using visceral fat creates your midsection to broaden externally, subcutaneous fat can fall into the lower abdomen.

Subcutaneous fat is a fatty tissue that lies directly under the layers of the skin.

It consists of fatty tissues and blood vessels that furnish the skin and nerves with oxygen.

Underlying fats act as a shock absorber that protects our skin against trauma and also keeps the energy the body uses in periods of high activity.

What causes lower abdominal fat

For understanding am going to be classifying the causes of lower abdominal fat into 3 categories as lower abdominal fat can be caused as a result of 3 main issues and to solve a problem you must first know the cause of the problem:

  • Age and hormonal causes
  • Dietary choice
  • Lifestyle choice

Age and hormonal causes

As we begin to age as individuals our body also begins to change leading to various hormonal changes.

Hormones that keep us slim naturally decline as we age. DHEA, human growth hormone, and progesterone are all hormones that prevent belly fat storage.

Estrogen is also likely to play a role. Increased belly size is strongly linked to menopause.

Hormone-related conditions such as hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and menopause can all cause abdominal weight gain.

Lower abdominal fat may be caused by conditions such as general hormone imbalances caused by obesity, environmental triggers and toxins, chronic stress, or medications.

If you are wondering how you can tell if your lower abdominal fat is caused by age and hormonal related issues here are some signs to look out for:

  1. Your waistline keeps getting bigger despite a healthy diet.
  2. You've been having a lot of sugar cravings.
  3. Your mood keeps changing like the weather
  4. Your stress levels are at a peak
  5. Difficulty sleeping
  6. Increased Appetite
  7. Hair loss

If you have gone through the age and hormonal-related belly fat section and feel it is not the cause of your belly fat well next, we are going to be talking about the dietary choices that led to lower abdominal fat.

Dietary choice

Our diet is a determining factor when it comes to a lot of things including weight gain, skin health and also lower abdominal fat.

In research carried out in Japan, it was discovered that a low-carb diet quickly loses a few pounds because it causes the body to release water.

In 2009, the Journal of Clinical Investigation published a study that found that consuming a significant number of fructose-sweetened drinks, such as soda and fruit punches, increases visceral fat development (about 25% of calories over 10 weeks). 

Researchers discovered in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2010 that increasing refined grain intake correlated with more belly fat, whereas increasing whole grain intake did not.

How To Lose Lower Abdominal Fat

To lose lower abdominal fat you have to ensure you are on the right diet but before we discuss the right diet here are some dietary choices you might be making that are leading to lower abdominal fat:

  1. Consumption of sugary food and beverages
  2. Regular consumption of trans fat foods such as packaged foods
  3. High intake of fried or oily food and snacks
  4. Low fiber diet
  5. Low protein diet
  6. Avoid alcohol

If your diet includes any or all of the following in excess it’s time to make some new diet choices and I will be listing diet options that will surely help you lose that stubborn abdominal fat:

  1. Cut back on refined carbs
  2. Take more high fiber foods
  3. Eat more fruits instead of consuming packaged fruit drinks
  4. Avoid procced foods
  5. Exercise
  6. Drink lots of water

By making the necessary changes to your diet you are bound to get excellent results in good time

Lifestyle choice

Physically inactive habits could also contribute to your lower belly fat and this is because if you do not burn the calories you eat, they build up in your stomach.

The majority of us work behind the desk and very often we sit for hours going through documents or browsing the internet. 

An inactive lifestyle is a bad lifestyle and you need to put an end to it as you will not only be gaining lower abdominal fat but also unwanted full body fat.

How To Lose Lower Abdominal Fat

Poor sleeping habits and also poor management of stress are some unhealthy lifestyle choices you need to change. 

Here are some lifestyle changes you need to make if you have an inactive lifestyle:

  1. Sleep for at least 8 hours a day
  2. Exercise (cardio, and aerobic exercise)
  3. Manage your stress level
  4. Eat more homemade meals
  5. Avoid late-night meals

How to reduce abdominal fat

At this stage, you have probably been able to know if your lower abdominal fat is a result of age and hormones so we are going to be exploring some of the best options to get rid of age and hormonal related lower abdominal fat

  1. Manage your stress
  2. Your exercise routine should consist of more cardio and walking
  3. Reduce your sugar intake
  4. Eat lots of vegetables like brussels sprouts, kale, collards, broccoli, and cabbage also contain DIM (Di-Indolyl Methane)
  5. Eat less carbohydrate
  6. Sleep well

Exercises to lose lower belly fat

Below are some exercises and food to help you lose that lower belly fat:

How To Lose Lower Abdominal Fat

Food that burns lower abdominal fat

How To Lose Lower Abdominal Fat

  • Fatty fish
  • Coffee
  • Eggs
  • Coconut oil
  • Green tea
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Chili pepper
  • Greek yoghurt

Losing lower abdominal fat is not easy but it is very possible, simply read and put into practice this article to kick start your journey to a flatter abdomen.

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Writer comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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