Tips On Depression And Mental Illness

Published: 2021-08-11
Views: 487
Author: Contributor
Published in: Human Health
Tips On Depression And Mental Illness

Depression has become a big challenge to many people today. The occasional feeling of unhappiness, being sad over an unexpected event, and depression that might come out of the loss of money, love ones, or a broken relationship are normal.

It becomes a problem when one can’t bounce back from the feeling of depression.

What is Depression?

Depression is a disorder that causes someone to always feel unhappy which may make the person dislike interesting parts of their life.

Medically, depression is regarded as a condition that distorts your mood and leads to a poor function of the person’s ability.

There are different aspects of depression, this includes

  • Clinical depression
  • Bipolar depression
  • Dysthymia
  • Seasonal affective disorder and others.

Most times, the expected treatment options include counseling, medications, brain stimulation as well as complementary therapies.

Common causes of depression

Depression is could express itself differently in people. One person may be seen having a spectacular response to depression when compared to another person.

Different factors might lead to depression in a person. That is why there is no ‘one cap fits all’ cause of depression. The best approach is to understand the basic circumstance surrounding the depression.

Factors That Can Cause Depression:

#1.Brain chemistry

Sometimes, an unusual chemical in the brain can lead to depression. So, depression can be caused when brain chemical levels surge.

#2. Genetics

Genetic transfer can lead to depression. Having relatives with depression may also mean that you may have it.

#3. Life events

Negative and unwanted life events can lead to depression if not managed properly. Such events could be stress, loss of a loved one, broken relationship, loneliness, etc.

#4. Medical conditions

A painful medical condition can cause depression. Sometimes, physical pain can make someone have depression.

#5. Medication

Drugs, alcohol can lead to depression. In addition, some medications can worsen depression.

#6. Personality

Sometimes, when life challenges overwhelm a person, it might give room to depression if the person is unable to cope with the challenge.

Tips on Depression and Mental Illness

Ways to Prevent Depression

There are things you can do to prevent depression. Being prone to depression, you can follow some of these tips.

Here are tested strategies that will help you stay well include:

  • Go out and do exercise, keeping your body fit is good for your overall health.
  • Minimize your alcohol intake. If possible stop taking these harmful substances.
  • Make sure you sleep well. Spend quality time in the night to sleep without less disruption.
  • You also need to spend time resting well. Don’t get yourself anxious over things that you can’t control.
  • Find something that you love doing and keep doing it. Staying active will enhance your health.
  • Meeting other people and enjoying your sociable life will boost your well-being.

Physical Symptoms People with Depression May Experience

  • Depression can cause feelings of being helpless and also hopeless. This is seen when you start feeling that nothing good is on the way. Such feelings can lead to depression.
  • Depression can cause a loss of interest in your favorite daily activities. This is seen when you no longer find your hobbies, pastimes, social activities, or sex interesting.
  • Loss of appetite and loss of weight.
  • Changes in sleep. Sometimes, someone with depression may experience insomnia.
  • Sometimes depression can cause uncontrollable anger or violence toward others and against oneself. This means your level of tolerance might become very low.
  • The general feeling of headaches, muscle pain, churning stomach, etc.

Signs of Depression in Men

The different signs of depression found in men are:

  • Instant loss of interest in the friends and activities you use to enjoy.
  • The feelings of being helpless, hopeless, worthless, the guilt of not meeting up with expectation.
  • Quick to get angry and have low tolerance with people and situations.
  • It can lead to high alcohol consumption, getting addicted to drugs.
  • Lack of sleep due to the mind being overly active.
  • Depression can lead to loss of appetite or overconsumption of food.
  • Loss of focus.
  • Poor productivity.

Tips on Depression and Mental Illness

Signs of Depression in women

Women have been said to be twice as likely to be depressed as men. There are some factors that may cause an increased risk of depression among women. These factors could be

  • Biological.
  • Interpersonal.
  • Personality.
  • Psychological.

Tips on Depression and Mental Illness

Apart from the factors above, there are a few factors that may cause the development of depression in women. These factors are:

  • Sometimes the early history of the disorder in mood especially during early reproductive years.
  • The Family history of mood disorders could be a factor.
  • Continuous social stress.
  • Continuous psychological stress.
  • When a girl loses her parent before the age of 10
  • Taking certain medication, especially without following a doctor’s prescription.
  • Abuse to the child, especially sexual abuse.
  • Losing parents can lead to the loss of a social support system.

A mentally stable individual is capable of coping with life's difficulties as they arise.

Author Bio

Contributor comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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