Better Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

Published: 2021-08-13
Views: 499
Author: Contributor
Published in: Human Health
Better Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

Many people are eager to find the latest ways to lose weight today. With today’s modern living lifestyle, a lot of people have added too much weight which sometimes is harmful to the body.

This is why it is important for you to consider losing weight because the makes a lot of impact on your well-being.

The heart happens to be one of the crucial organs of the body that must be kept healthy. The challenge of high blood pressure today is a battle that many are advised to avoid as much as they can.

Seven(7) Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

#1. Quit smoking

Smoking is a habit that is hard to quit. You need to understand that there is a lot of health benefits that you will gain when you quit smoking.

You should also be aware that the chemicals found in tobacco can affect the blood vessels.

Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

#2. Cut added sugar and refined carbs

Reducing your sugar intake will greatly reduce your blood pressure. You should also note that all refined carbs are easily turned into sugar in the bloodstream.

It is very important to understand that the older you get the more you need to reduce your sugar intake so that your blood pressure will always remain at the normal healthy level.

#3. Eat a lot of berries

Regarding Foods that lower blood pressure quickly, you can get a lot of flavored juice from berries. The juicy flavour is not the only thing that you stand to enjoy. Berries contain natural plant compounds as well as polyphenols that benefit the heart.

Polyphenols have the capacity to reduce the danger of been affected by

  • Stroke.
  • Heart conditions.
  • Diabetes.
  •  High blood pressure.
  • Insulin resistance.
  • Systemic inflammation.

A study was conducted where participants with high blood pressure were assigned to a low-polyphenol diet or an alternative high-polyphenol diet that contains berries, chocolate, fruits, and vegetables.

The final result shows that those who consumed berries and polyphenol-rich foods had improved of not having heart disease.

Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

#4. Give meditation or deep breathing a try

Meditation and deep breathing are popular activities that have been shown greatly reduce stress. The most important thing about these two notable activities is that you don’t need to spend a dime to carry them out.

As the body gets into a more relaxed state, the parasympathetic nervous system will become engaged. What it does to the body and heart is that it slows down the heart rate as well as lowers blood pressure.

Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

#5. Consume calcium-rich foods

It has been observed that people with a low intake of calcium tend to have high blood pressure. Although, you can get calcium supplements which will greatly help to reduce high blood pressure. Eating food that contains a lot of calcium will enhance your health as well as lowers your high blood pressure.

Male adults that are over 70 years are expected to consume about 1200mg of calcium per day. While for women that are over 50 years, they are expected to be 1000mg per day. This will boost their overall well-being.

There are different sources of calcium, you can choose your base on preference.

#6. Eat magnesium-rich food

Magnesium relaxes the blood vessels. Many people need to increase their magnesium consumption even though the deficiency of magnesium is rare.

According to studies carried out, it has been found that a slight deficiency in magnesium can lead to high blood pressure. Although there is still much to be done on the side of research regarding magnesium deficiency and high blood pressure.

If you want to get magnesium from a natural source, then eat a lot of vegetables, dairy products, chicken, whole grains, legumes, etc. this food will help you to maintain the high magnesium level needed by you.

#7 Lose Weight through Exercise

How losing weight does connect to the heart? A 2016 report stated that the loss of 5% of your body mass could greatly help to lower high blood pressure.

In other words, losing weight will improve the blood vessel's function.

Solutions to Lower Blood Pressure in a Nutshell

  • Ensure you engage yourself in an exercise that fits your schedule and pace. It is one of the easiest ways to lower your blood pressure.
  • Smoking as well as high blood pressure has the possibility of causing heart disease. It is best to stop smoking. It is to your benefit.
  • If you are into eating refined carbs, kindly reduce it because it has the potential of causing high blood pressure.
  • As stated earlier, berries contain a lot of polyphenols. This substance among other nutritional values of berries will help to the lowering of high blood pressure.
  • It will lead to slow your heart rate as well as lower blood pressure.
  • Get more calcium into your body by consuming calcium-rich food. Your body will use it to maintain your heart and keep it healthy.
  • Lastly, eat food that contains magnesium because it will help your body regulate blood pressure. Food like whole foods and whole grains are rich in magnesium.
Author Bio

Contributor comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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