Skincare - 4 Steps To Better Skincare That You Can Follow

Published: 2021-08-12
Views: 445
Author: Contributor
Published in: Human Health
Skincare - 4 Steps To Better Skincare That You Can Follow

Skincare has become an important part of our daily living. It is common to see a lot of people making mistakes when it comes to taking good care of their skin.

5 Different Categories of Skin

#1. Balanced skin

This is an uncommon skin type. Although commonly referred to as normal skin, in reality, it is hard to find skin that is actually balanced.

Balanced skin connotes that the person’s skin is neither oily, sensitive nor too dry. In other words, the skin has a balance of oil, protection, and nice skin tone. 

#2. Dry skin

Dry skin is a category of skin that is very common. It has a flaky, rough, and sometimes scaly texture.

The skin tone of dry skin may be unevenly distributed. Further use of cosmetics and skincare products could reduce the moisture from the skin. This is why it is very important to select skin care products that may add more moisture as well as protect the skin.

#3. Oily skin

The oily skin type is characterized by high sebum (oil) production. This usually takes place when the body releases excess sebum which makes the skin look greasy and shiny.

Sometimes, it has been seen that those with oily skin have oversized pores. When using skin care products that increase the moisture of the skin can lead to skin breakout. What you should do is to make sure you get an appropriate skin care product that will balance the moisture of the skin.

#4. Combination skin

This is the type of skin common with many people. Because you will often find those who are experiencing some of the properties related to the combination skin type.

Most times, you will find out that some people may have their forehead, nose, chin, etc. having a lot of oil while the remaining part of their face will be dry.

Hence, when using any skin care product make sure you aim at a balance, for your convenience.

#5. Sensitive skin

The last skin type in our focus is sensitive skin. This type of skin may have the characteristics of other skin types. For example, a sensitive-skinned person may also have oily or dry, or balanced skin.

What makes it sensitive is the way skincare products react with the skin. The sensitive skin often responds to seemingly mild skincare products which may cause breakouts, inflammation as well as rashes on the skin.

Sometimes, you need to get advice from your dermatologist when you don’t have a clue on how to handle your sensitive skin.

Steps to Take Good Care of the Skin

Step 1 – First Determine Your Skin Type

The care of any skin is first determined by knowing the category the skin belongs to. If you honestly want to care for your skin, then you need to know it belongs to either the dry, oily, balanced, or combination skin type.

This is why you need to meet a dermatologist as regards knowing your skin type and the type of skincare products that will be appropriate for you.

Step 2 – Check and Treat Chronic Skin Issues

The second step that is very important when talking about skincare is the proper treatment of the skin when it is infected by any kind of skin issue.

These are common skin issues that may affect the skin

  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Rosacea
  • Psoriasis

These skin conditions can drastically influence the effect of any good skincare product.  

As you plan to take care of your skin, make sure you consider the treatment of the skin in case of any skin condition.

Step 3 – Make Sure You Live a Healthy Lifestyle

While we can use the various array of skin care products in the market, it is very important for you to ensure that you live a healthy life.

Your skin can responds to an unhealthy lifestyle. When you fully know your skin type, you will know how you can live your life that will greatly enhance the skin.

The fact is that you need to drink adequate water, carry out the routine exercise, and ensure you reduce exposure of the skin to the sun, get enough rest and sleep, and reduce stress.

Step 4 – Develop a Simple Skincare Routine You’ll Stick With

Now, this last point is worth noting. You should not just know your skin type, cure any skin condition or live a healthy lifestyle. You need to have a routine plan that will help you care for your skin.

5 Steps to Better Skincare

This is very important because it is easier to lose sight of this last point. But don’t make the plan complex, a simple plan will do.

Apart from having a simple plan, you also need to always abide by the plan. Hence don’t just plan without putting it into action. Consistently carrying out your routine skincare plan will make you see the result as soon as possible.

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Contributor comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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