Practical Ways on How To Lose Weight By Running

Published: 2021-07-23
Views: 598
Author: Contributor
Published in: Weight Loss
Practical Ways on How To Lose Weight By Running

In today’s work tight environment, losing weight is one challenge many people who have accumulated weight over time are faced with. A lot of weight is gained from the food we consume and the fact that most people don’t have the time to do exercise. This article will highlight to you the practical ways on how to lose weight by running.

Let’s find out what losing weight is all about and how it affects different people. It is important for you to note that there are some reasons why weight loss takes place in our bodies.

Practical Ways on How To Lose Weight By Running

Weight loss could be:

  • Intentional: This includes loss of weight from dieting and exercise, which could lead to a decrease in body fat especially for overweight or obese people.
  • Unintentional: These are situations that could be a manifestation of illness such as cancer, viral infections, gastroenteritis, parasite infection, depression, bowel diseases, and overactive thyroid.

It is important to note that it is normal for women to experience a loss of weight after pregnancy. Also doing exercise requires you to be intentional and consistent in achieving your aim.

Things to Consider Before Running to Lose your Weight

Before you can succeed in losing weight by running, you need to take these two points into consideration.

Always Eat Healthy Diet to Aid Loss of Weight

Most important to every runner is their diet. There are special nutritional needs that most runners require. But the common principles for healthy eating still apply to everyone. These includes:

  • Make sure you choose smaller portions of high-fat and high-calorie meals.
  • Eat more whole grains, whole fruits as well as vegetables.
  • Make sure you avoid overcompensation for the calories burned with the consumption of more calories from food and beverages.

 How Much Food Are You Expected to Eat?

Overeating is one of the enemies of weight loss. If you want to lose weight quickly, then you should avoid overeating because it is going to slow down your achievement of weight loss.

One easy and simple way to prevent the mindless eating habit is to jot down everything you're eating in a book or journal for some weeks.

When you review the record of the meals you have taken within a specific period, you will be able to see where your main diet consumption is.

6 practical Ways of Running to Lose Weight

There are so many styles of running and each one has its unique purpose and benefits. These are the most common types:

Practical Ways on How To Lose Weight By Running

  • Base runs: This kind of run is usually called a normal run. These involve short-to-moderate length runs about 10km. it is done at your natural pace.
  • Long runs: These are the longer versions of base runs which are done at the same pace but with a greater distance of about 15km – 20km. It will help you to improve your overall body fitness and endurance.
  • Interval runs: this involves the short, intense runs which are repeated several times with short breaks in between. In practice a 5 x 0.5 mile runs with about 1/4 mile light jogging between each interval is considered an interval runs. You will be able to train your running power and speed.
  • Hill repeats: This is similar to interval runs but is performed uphill. A practical example is when you run 10 x 1-minute hill repeats. You will train your running power, speed as well as make improvements in your body stamina.
  • Recovery runs: The slow runs are performed immediately after rigorous runs like hill repeats. This is meant to add more distance to your overall run. You can practice this by running a 4-minute run at a chosen comfortable pace after a rigorous run.
  • Progression runs: These imitate competition-style runs by slow starts and fast finishing. It is done to build your endurance, speed as well as an effective reduction in fatigue. You can practice this by running 5 miles (8 km) at your natural pace, then 1mile (1.5 km) at a fast pace.

What Amount of Weight Can you Lose If You Run Two Miles Each Day?

To answer the question above, we need to consider many factors because there is no direct concrete answer to the question.

In practice, if you make an improvement in your diet with loads of leafy green vegetables and lean meats, you’ll obtain incredible better results.

Practical Ways on How To Lose Weight By Running

On the other side, when you run faster than a light jog, you’ll equally burn more calories in as well as when you take a two-mile trek. This is why there is a complication in the answer to the question above.

If you choose to make no change to your diet, it might take you around 18 solid days to shed a single pound. When you cut out 300 calories from your consumed diet and perform the daily two-mile jog, you could shed a pound within one week.

The main contributor to this confusion is that running releases energy, and you need to replenish this energy by eating food.  But, how much you eat will show in the difference between gained weight, lose weight, or maintenance and performance.

Importance of Running to Lose Weight

In summary, as you make plans to lose weight, you need to create enough calorie shortage. The common recommendation by experts is that you should shoot for a weekly calorie shortage of 3500 to 7000 calories to lose 1-2 pounds per week.

You can achieve this shortage by consuming fewer calories or burning more calories with exercise like running. At you will, you can combine these two methods to quickly achieve your target.

Author Bio

Contributor comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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