Massage Therapy: The Benefits Of Massage

Published: 2021-06-12
Views: 497
Author: Contributor
Published in: Fitness
Massage Therapy: The Benefits Of Massage

There are a few things that we all associate with relaxation. This could be spa days, snuggling up by the fire, staying in bed until a certain time, and, of course, getting a massage.

Do you know while massage is excellent for relaxing, it also has therapeutic benefits? This article sought to highlight some of the benefits of getting a massage.

the benefits of massage

What is Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a group of manual techniques that include applying fixed or movable pressure, holding, and/or causing movement to parts of the body for the purpose of normalizing those tissues.

Massage therapy is usually done with the hands, but it can also be done with the forearms or elbows.

The muscular, skeletal, circulatory, lymphatic, nervous, and other systems of the body are all affected by these techniques.

Massage therapy is based on the concept of Vis Medicatrix Naturae, which translates to "aiding the body's ability to heal itself."

Benefits of Massage

The term "massage" actually refers to a variety of different types of massage, ranging from Swedish massage (the most common) to massages with a more targeted and specific purpose, such as sports massage, which is designed to aid athletes in their recovery.


When researchers from the Canadian Medical Association Journal looked into different treatments for chronic lower back pain, they discovered that massage was the most effective.

the benefits of massage


Massage therapy has been recommended for diabetes for over a century, as it aids in the restoration of proper insulin use and the reduction of inflammation.

Reduces the amount of anxiety, depression, and fatigue

Massage therapy has been shown to help people cope with stress, depression, and fatigue. Depression is often triggered by active and chronic pain. 

According to studies, and depression alone causes muscle tension and pain, which can be excruciating to live with on a daily basis.

Pain from Arthritis

Light pressure applied to your joints and the tiny pressure receptors beneath your skin during a massage may help relieve arthritis pain.

Massage can help improve your mobility and flexibility by increasing blood flow to your joints and increasing circulation throughout your body.

Enhances stance

Neck and back tension can be caused by sitting in front of a computer all day or standing on your feet for hours doing manual labor.

This can lead to bad posture. Massages can aid in the reinforcement of healthy and natural movements in the body.

Massage allows your muscles to relax and loosen, allowing your body to naturally position itself in a pain-free posture.

Provides relief aches and pains

Massage helps the body relax and de-stress on a regular basis. By relaxing muscle spasms and trigger points, this alternative method significantly reduces the likelihood of migraine attacks and tension headaches.

the benefits of massage

It can also help relieve the pressure that comes with migraines or tension headaches.

Massage, which focuses on the neck, shoulders, and head, can help relieve the pain and discomfort caused by migraines and tension headaches.

Breastfeeding and lactation

There's a lot of pain involved in pushing a baby out. Breast pain and discomfort, on the other hand, do not have to be part of a new mom's postpartum woes.

Breast massage can aid in the production of more breast milk and the prevention of clogged milk ducts.

Mamas who massaged their breasts 10 minutes before self-expressing milk had better lactation and less pain, according to a 2016 study.

It's possible that babies will reap the benefits as well. Breast massage improved the number of solids, lipids, and casein concentration in breast milk, according to a 2004 Japanese study.

Breast-massaged milk may be beneficial to a baby's health.

Which Massage Techniques Are the Most Effective?

Different massage styles are popular at different times, as you may have noticed. And you might have wondered if each one was just a passing fad or the most up-to-date massage technique.

What's more important, how can you tell if the latest style will benefit you?

the benefits of massage

Swedish Massage 

Swedish massage therapy is the most common type of massage. On the topmost layers of muscles, it involves soft, long kneading strokes as well as light, rhythmic tapping strokes.

This is also done in conjunction with joint movement. Swedish therapy can be both relaxing and energizing because it relieves muscle tension. It may even be beneficial after an injury.

Massage of the Deep Tissue

Deep tissue massage is the best way to target painful, stiff "trouble spots" in your body. Slow, deliberate strokes are used by the massage therapist to focus pressure on layers of muscles, tendons, or other tissues deep beneath your skin.

Deep tissue massage, though less rhythmic than other types of massage, can be therapeutic, relieving chronic patterns of tension and aiding muscle injuries such as back sprains.

the benefits of massage

Massage for athletes

Sports massage uses a variety of approaches to help athletes in training — before, during, and after sports events. It was developed to help with muscle systems used for a specific sport.

It can be used to increase flexibility and prevent injuries. It could also help with muscle strains and recovery after a sports injury.




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Contributor comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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