Walking: How Many Steps A Day to Lose Weight

Published: 2021-08-10
Views: 402
Author: Writer
Published in: Fitness
Walking: How Many Steps A Day to Lose Weight

Walking is something that most of us dread like the plague; rather than walking a little distance, we would rather drive or even take the bus, which is a very poor and harmful habit that should be broken.

I can't seem to lose the extra pounds; I work all week, so coming to the gym is stressful; I have to spend time with my kids on weekends; these are some of the excuses we offer for not going to the gym or losing weight.

Walking as a form of exercise

Walking a block or two to work every day is a fantastic type of exercise, and walking a block or two with your family on weekends is enjoyable and also a great way to bond. You may be wondering if walking will help you shed the additional calorie and the answer is Yes.

Health benefits of walking

Asides from weight loss there are other great benefits of walking and we are going to be discussing them below.

Benefit 1: Boost the heart

Walking for at least 30 minutes five days a week can reduce your risk of coronary heart disease by around 19%. It also decreases your risks of getting heart disease or having a stroke, as well as lowering your blood pressure and diabetes risk. Walking is an excellent strategy to improve your heart health.

Benefit 2: Clears the mind

Walking might help you clear your mind and think creatively. A study discovered that people performed better while trying to think of fresh ideas when walking or sitting. Walking, the researchers found, allows for a free flow of ideas and is a simple method to boost creativity.

Benefit 3: Enhances energy

Walking helps to increase the flow of oxygen throughout the body. It can also cause an increase in cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. These are the hormones that help to boost energy levels in the body's systems. Walking is an excellent strategy to increase your energy levels.

Benefit 4: Improves the immune system

Walking, as an activity, helps improve the immune system by lowering the chance of catching a cold or flu.

Walking: How Many Steps A Day to Lose Weight

Benefit 5: Relieves joint pain

Walking strengthens the muscles of the knee and hips, as well as being a wonderful pain reliever for people suffering from arthritis and lowering the chance of getting arthritis.

Benefit 6: Burns Calories

Walking can assist you in burning calories.

Your exact calorie burn will be determined by several factors, including your pace, distance, and terrain. Most smartphones if not all now come with a fitness app that helps you calculate your daily step as well as calculate the total calorie lost.

How many steps a day to lose weight

A lot of individuals often wonder how many steps they should do every day to lose weight but here is something important to note the number of calories burnt when walking is determined by a variety of factors which include:

An adult human's typical walking speed is around 4-5 km/h (we get more detailed in a minute) walkers are urged to walk 10,000 steps each day to inspire them to walk regularly.

This equates to around 7,5 to 8,5 kilometers per day for healthy individuals. The number of steps you take depends on how much weight you want to lose.

The pace at which you walk will have a significant impact on the number of calories you burn. Individuals who are extremely overweight or obese will burn more calories than those who have a lower body fat percentage.

The more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism will be, and the more energy (stored as body fat and glycogen) will be burnt and used up during physical activity and even during rest.

This can result in a slimmer, healthier physique. When counting steps, it is also advised to add steps.

Walking is a simple and natural way for us to burn off energy from the food we ingest. Walking to reduce weight is a low-impact approach to achieve your body goals.

Walking requires less equipment, can be done almost any place, and is less prone to strain the joints in the manner that running may.

Here are some great tips to help you enjoy your walk

1. Wear comfortable shoes

If you intend to walk a long distance, you should wear shoes that are appropriate for the occasion.

Properly cushioned sneakers with soft soles that make you feel like you're walking on the moon are ideal for this occasion; shoes with hard inner layers are not appropriate for long-distance walking because your feet will become uncomfortable.

Walking: How Many Steps A Day to Lose Weight

It is also preferable to wear flat-soled shoes rather than the fashionable high-soled sneakers you are going for a walk, not a fashion show.

Having a pair of sneakers in your bag on your way to work will also be beneficial as you can ditch the heels for something more walkable.

2. Get a partner

Walking alone will be more enjoyable if you have someone to chat to and keep you company, and we all know that time flies by when you are with someone you love being with, so find a walking companion with whom you can set walking targets.

3. Listen to something

You can listen to any form of audio you enjoy be it music, audiobooks or podcast just listen to something you love and I can assure you that you will have a very enjoyable walk as your mind will be focused on something other than the walk making it easier for you.

4. Make use of a fitness tracker

A fitness tracker is a great investment for anyone seeking to reach their fitness goals, it also helps you keep track of your fitness journey.

5. Stay hydrated

Drink a lot of water, not a sports drink or soda drink water as it will help you stay refreshed and drink a lot of water is also recommended when trying to lose weight.

Walking: How Many Steps A Day to Lose Weight

6. Walk uphill or on stairs

Walking uphill or on stairs will help your leg muscles firm up and it will asl give you stronger knees and leg joints.

Walking is very enjoyable and requires no equipment and by doing it right you get to have fun while losing weight.

Thank you so much for your time, and I hope you learned something from this post as much as I did while writing it.

Author Bio

Writer comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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