Marketing Strategy: Advertising On Social Media

Published: 2021-06-06
Views: 650
Author: Writer
Published in: Social Media & Bookmarking
Marketing Strategy: Advertising On Social Media

Marketers help business owners grow their companies and get their message out to a large audience. A marketing strategy that combines social media and traditional marketing is the most effective.

Business owners have discovered that social media marketing has a significant positive impact on the success of their company and that it is a cost-effective method for achieving a good end result.

advertising on social media

Advantages Of Using Social Media To Promote Your Business

The majority of channels require a significant amount of lead time to produce a return on investment. Content marketing, for example, works best over time after it has generated backlinks and SEO traction.

However, those outcomes do not persist over time. Instead, you get paid per post, and often for less each time, it's published.

Some channels are reliable, but they take a long time to dial in. AdWords, for example, can produce consistent results for your brand, but mastering and earning specific placement takes time.

Advertising on Social Media

Before diving into the content, you should outline a detailed plan for your social media ads, just as you would for any other social media marketing strategy. When considering this, it's helpful to start at the beginning:

Goal of the company

What do you hope to achieve with the advertisement? Visits to your website, profile views, increase in followers, Instagram sales, and so on. By defining this goal, you'll have a better idea of what the ad's call to action will be.

Define the target audience

What is the demographic of the target market? Create customer personas to get a better understanding of who you're writing the ad for.

Choose a social media platform

Which platform is best for meeting your goal based on your target audience? You can use Facebook Audience Insights to see how each platform's audience behaves differently. For example, if users are more likely to shop after seeing Facebook ads, campaigns with purchases as the goal will work best.

advertising on social media

Format of the advertisement

Video, photo, carousel, and story are just a few of the ad formats available on Facebook and Instagram. You'll know which format is best for your objective based on audience and competitor research, product type, and industry.


Facebook is a social media platform that allows you to:

  • Create a Facebook business page and send out special offers to all of your fans (at least once a month).
  • Encourage customers to post photos on your Facebook page of themselves using a product they purchased from your website.
  • Reduce your workload while increasing your Facebook marketing efforts: Allow subscribers on your personal Facebook page instead of managing both a business and a personal page.


LinkedIn is a professional networking site. It allows you to:

  • Make a LinkedIn profile for yourself and include links to your website: Update your profile with new links, product reviews, books or articles you're currently reading, or other information so that it's visible to everyone in your network.
  • Join LinkedIn groups that are likely to be popular with many of your customers, and post questions or comments about the products or services you provide on a regular basis.
  • Request a LinkedIn recommendation for you or your company from your customers, vendors, and other business associates in your network.
  • Under the Summary section of your profile, PDFs, add brochures, SlideShare and PowerPoint presentations, and videos to provide interesting content that anyone viewing your profile can download or share.

advertising on social media


Twitter is a microblogging site. You can:

  • Use Twitter to share interesting or unusual facts about your company or products, along with a link to that product's page on your website.
  • Use Twitter to share quick tips on how to use your services or products.
  • Pay attention to customers and vendors, as well as industry analysts, journalists, influential bloggers, and others who have a large following and significant influence in your industry.
  • Promote tweets and Twitter cards can be used to promote your products on Twitter for a low cost.
  • Increase your visibility by tweeting pictures and videos of yourself or your company to your followers.

advertising on social media


YouTube is a video-sharing website. It allows you to:

  • Create a YouTube channel for your online business, post fun, and useful videos on a regular basis, and encourage customers to watch and share your videos.
  • Hold a video contest. Have customers make short videos demonstrating how they use your product or service and upload them to YouTube, then let other customers vote on their favorites.
  • Every week, share a short (two-minute or less) video of yourself giving customers advice, such as demonstrating how to use a product you sell.
  • Request video testimonials from customers and post them on your YouTube channel.


Pinterest is a social media platform that allows you to:

  • Create a Pinterest profile for your company and one or more Pinterest boards with themes or product interests relevant to your company.
  • Include a Pin It button on your website's pages so that visitors can pin (or post) product images from your site to Pinterest.
  • Add a short text description to an image when pinning it to a Pinterest board to add more information and interest.
  • Add videos to your Pinterest boards. This underutilized Pinterest feature can result in a lot of views and shared pins.
  • Encourage customers to pin an image of one of your products to their Pinterest boards by hosting a pinning contest on your website. A small prize should be given to either a random pinner or the pin with the most re-pins.

advertising on social media

Some social media channels produce quick results occasionally, but not on a consistent basis. Influencer marketing, for example, can yield quick results in terms of sales with little effort (though high cost).

Author Bio

Writer comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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