WordPress Blogging: How To Start A Blog

Published: 2021-06-02
Views: 720
Author: Editorial
Published in: Internet
WordPress Blogging: How To Start A Blog

The term "blog" is an abbreviated version of "weblog," which is a term for websites that keep a running log of information.

A blog usually consists of diary-style commentary and links to articles on other websites and is organized in reverse chronological order.

What is a blog?

Blogs cover a wide range of topics, from personal to political, and can be focused on a single topic or a broad range of topics.

WordPress Blogging

Many blogs are devoted to a specific subject, such as web design, home staging, sports, or mobile technology. Some are more diverse, with links to a wide range of other websites.

Others are more like personal diaries, presenting the author's day-to-day activities and thoughts.

Who is a blogger?

A blogger is someone who owns or runs a blog, as well as someone who maintains it. This includes, among other things, posting articles or new posts, information, sharing the most up-to-date news, opinions, and case studies. Blog posts are the term for such entries.

Professional bloggers make money by building an audience and selling products to that audience on behalf of others (affiliate marketing), selling their own products, or selling ad space on their site.

Requirements for starting a WordPress blog

To start a WordPress blog, you'll need:

  • An idea for a domain name
  • A domain name and a web hosting account
  • Time

First and foremost, you should be aware that WordPress comes in two: free and paid versions. This article will show you how to start a blog for free.

Wordpress blogging

Idea for a domain name

People type your domain name into their browser to get to your website. It's the internet address for your website. Examples include websites like google and hubslides.

A domain name is usually $14.99 per year, and web hosting is usually $7.99 per month.

Your domain is a crucial component of your brand's identity. It establishes the tone for your website and informs visitors about the type of content they can expect from you.

The following are the most important considerations:

  • Ensure that it is simple to read, type, and remember (examples: yahoo.com, x.ai, apple.com)
  • Make it as brief as possible.
  • Include a keyword that relates to your blog (examples: smartblogger.com, healthline.com)
  • Use no hyphens or numbers.

Your domain extension is another more complicated consideration. It's a good idea to register something unique to your country for local SEO purposes.

As a result, Google has a rough idea of your relevance to a particular country.

However, in recent years, country-specific domain extensions have become increasingly popular around the world.

Wordpress blogging

A domain name and a web hosting account

Your website files are stored on web hosting servers. It's the online home of your website. Every website necessitates the use of web hosting.

That's a lot of money for someone who is just getting started.

When it comes to selecting hosting for your website, there are numerous factors (and even more options) to consider.

First and foremost, you'll want to ensure that the host is dependable, affordable, and provides support if you require it.

Types of hosting

Shared hosting, Managed VPS hosting, and VPS hosting are the three types of hosting available for your WordPress blog.

Hosting on a shared server

The most cost-effective option is shared hosting, which is ideal for hobby blogs with low traffic.

Managed VPS hosting 

Managed hosting is the most expensive option. You're not responsible for any problems that arise with a managed host; you get a dedicated team to assist you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and priority support from experts to help you optimize your site.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting

VPS hosting (Virtual Private Server) is next big leap from shared hosting.

You get your own space to work with instead of sharing the server's power with a lot of other people.

Fortunately, Bluehost, an official WordPress recommended hosting provider, has agreed to provide our users with a free domain name as well as a 60% discount on web hosting.

Bluehost is one of the internet's oldest web hosting companies. They're also the most well-known name in WordPress hosting, having hosted millions of websites, including many of ours.

Wordpress blogging

Download and install WordPress

After you've installed WordPress, you're ready to start blogging. However, planning the basic content of your blog will help you customize it to reflect your brand and mission.

Because you can customize the appearance of your blog with themes and plugins, and create virtually unlimited posts and pages, making a list of the basic features you want on your blog site before you start can be helpful.

It's time to begin customizing your blog after you've installed WordPress.

Your Blog Should Have a Theme Installed

A new WordPress installation includes an admin dashboard with all of the tools you'll need to get your site up and running. Y

ou can choose a theme for your site from the hundreds of free themes available in the WordPress theme directory, or you can commission a custom theme from a variety of independent designers, all from the dashboard.

Many WordPress themes are intended for general use, but others are tailored to specific needs, such as writing or blogging.

Posts can be written and published

The WordPress admin dashboard includes tools for creating pages and posts, as well as other types of content.

Posts are for publishing frequent, timely pieces that define a blog, while pages are for static informational content.

Selecting "Post" brings up the content editor, which includes all of the tools you'll need to write and format text as well as add other elements like images and videos.

When you're finished with a post, click "Publish" to publish it to the site, or save it as a draft to edit later.

WordPress also has tools for scheduling posts for later publication, and any published post can be edited and updated—or completely deleted—at any time.

Wordpress blogging

WordPress allows you to make your posts the front page of your blog or make a static page the first page a visitor sees.

Any self-hosted WordPress site can have an unlimited number of posts or pages, and you can change the appearance and layout of the site at any time by using different themes and plugins as the site grows.




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The Editorial staff includes content researchers from various areas of knowledge. They add a plethora of expertise to the Hubslides Editorial team. They constantly and frequently oversee, produce and evaluate contents that are most ideal to aid impacting knowledge to readers.

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