Russia Celebrates Victory Day At A Lower Key

Published: 2023-05-09
Views: 431
Author: Editorial
Published in: Politics
Russia Celebrates Victory Day At A Lower Key

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that a “real war” is being waged against Russia.

He made the statement as the country celebrates Victory Day with many mass events canceled over security concerns after last week’s drone attack on the Kremlin.

In his speech, according to Washington Post, President Putin who blamed the war on the “Western elites” added that Ukraine had become “hostage to a coup d'etat and the criminal regime formed by its Western masters” and “a bargaining chip in the implementation of their cruel selfish plans.”

Victory Day commemorates the defeat of Nazi Germany in what Russia calls the Great Patriotic War which left over 20 million Russians dead and normally features parades across the country.

This is the first public event President Putin has attended since Moscow’s stunning accusation last week saying that Ukraine sent two drones flying toward the Kremlin fortress.

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