Biden Signs Bill Ending COVID-19 National Emergency

Published: 2023-04-13
Views: 602
Author: Editorial
Published in: Politics
Biden Signs Bill Ending COVID-19 National Emergency

President Joe Biden has signed a bill terminating the national emergency over the COVID-19 pandemic.

This came a day before the White House had said the president would unilaterally end national emergency declarations related to the pandemic.

According to CBSNews, the White House had opposed the GOP-proposed measure, which gained some bipartisan support in Congress, even though the White House planned to end emergency declarations on May 11.

It is believed that the end of COVID emergency will bring changes across U.S. health care system

The new law immediately ends the national emergency and public health emergency first enacted during the Trump administration and continued through the Biden administration.

Former President Donald Trump had first declared a national emergency over the virus on March 13, 2020.

The declarations allowed for federal funding to be freed up to cities and states for things like testing and vaccination centers.

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