Palestinian Journalist Dies In Prison

Published: 2023-05-04
Views: 417
Author: Editorial
Published in: Politics
Palestinian Journalist Dies In Prison

A Palestinian journalist, Khader Adnan has died in an Israeli prison.

Khader allegedly affiliated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group died after nearly three months on a hunger strike.

According to the Israeli prison service, Adnan “refused to undergo medical tests and receive medical treatment” and “was found unconscious in his cell”.

Adnan began his hunger strike shortly after being arrested on February 5.

Al Jazeera reports that Adnan’s family had been warning that after 80 days without food, his life was in danger.

He had gone on hunger strike several times after previous arrests, including a 55-day strike in 2015 to protest his arrest under so-called administrative detention, in which suspects are held indefinitely by Israel without charge or trial.

Israel is currently holding more than 1,000 Palestinian detainees without charge or trial, the highest number since 2003, according to the Israeli human rights group HaMoked.

A father of nine, Adnan had been arrested 12 times during his life and had undertaken hunger strike action during several stints in Israeli prisons.

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