U.S.-U.K.-Australia Nuclear Submarine Deal; China Issues Caution

Published: 2023-03-17
Views: 509
Author: Editorial
Published in: Politics
U.S.-U.K.-Australia Nuclear Submarine Deal; China Issues Caution

China has warned that the U.S. and its nuclear allies were heading down a "path of error and danger"

The US nuclear allies are Australia and the United Kingdom.

This warning came after they unveiled a deal that sees Australia purchasing nuclear-powered attack submarines.

The submarine purchase is aimed at modernizing Australia's fleet amid growing concern about China's influence in the Indo-Pacific region.

CBS News reports that the partnership between the three nations, announced in 2021, enabled Australia to access nuclear-powered submarines, which are stealthier and more capable than conventionally powered vessels, as a counterweight to China's military buildup.

China on its part argued that the AUKUS deal violates the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

It contends that the transfer of nuclear weapons materials from a nuclear-weapon state to a non-nuclear-weapon state is a "blatant" violation of the spirit of the pact.

Australia had pushed back against the criticism, arguing that they are working to acquire nuclear-powered, not nuclear-armed, submarines.

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