Attaining Excellent Business Communication skills

Published: 2021-02-24
Views: 899
Author: Editorial
Published in: Communications
Attaining Excellent Business Communication skills

Excellent communication skills are essential at all-time be it in your career or during interpersonal conversations.

Possessing proficient communication skills not only allows you to advance in your career, but it will also make you distinct among your colleagues and friends.

What are Business Communication skills?

The process of exchanging information between people within and outside an organization is known as business communication.

Employees and management collaborate actively to accomplish organizational goals by efficient business communication.

Its goal is to improve organizational processes and cut down on mistakes.

Research has shown that many employees with poor business communication skills oftentimes lead to misunderstanding in the workplace.

Companies as a whole may face lower productivity if management does not have an interest in skills.

Different Types of Business Communication

As we all know that effective communication skills give room for easy and quick interaction with colleagues, supervisors, subordinates, and clients, there are 2 major types of business communication. They are:

Internal Business Communication

This type of business communication happens within an organization or company and it is divided into:

Upward communication: This is any correspondence from a subordinate to a supervisor/ manager. 

Downward communication: This involves communication between a supervisor and subordinate. Instructions come from a superior to a subordinate.

Lateral communication: This type happens between colleagues in the same or different departments within a company.

External Business Communication

This type of business communication occurs outside an organization or company.

It could also be between employees of two organizations, dealing with clients, suppliers, or anything else that has an effect on your brand.

Business Communication Methods

When it comes to a business contact, it's either verbal or written. Furthermore, contact happens either in person (face-to-face) or over the internet.

Any of these two methods is good for your business but all depends on the situation.

Instantaneous idea generation and a more open flow of thoughts are facilitated by verbal interactions.

Written correspondence is useful for keeping track of decisions and actions taken, as well as putting together tactics and plans.

This negligence could also lead to increased conflicts, and an apprehensive work environment as there is an adverse effect on operational efficiencies, sales, and eventually profit made by such organization.

Importance of effective business communication skills

Effective business communication skills as many importance as it gives room for easy and quick interaction with colleagues, supervisors, subordinates, and clients.

This article will highlight the need for individuals to improve communication skills

Effective Relationships Building

First impression lasts longer. The first few seconds of meeting with someone are important and critical when establishing a new business relationship.

Building effective relationships requires the effective use of communication skills such as oral, listening, and body language.

It is not just required when making new friends, or meeting with subordinates, employers, or clients; it's an important element in building a business partnership that is profitable.

Fast and Effective Idea creation

Creating effective ideas in a business environment requires an attitude that is fast and precise. This is impossible if there are no exceptional communication skills.

Being a leader and learning to take charge in any emergency situation requires the right and exact communication skills.

Changing your approach to issues and matters whenever required in the presence of your colleagues, employers, or clients will guarantee that you are proficient in presenting and defending your generated ideas.


Effective communication in the workplace increases productivity and also reduces the time used on a particular work.

When your subordinates or team members understand you perfectly and work as explained, your communication skills are top-notch.

Speaking and communicating clearly with them will save a lot of time.

Moreover, excellent communication skills save you the stress of being misunderstood communications thereby causing friction on work done.

Building Trust

Building trust through clear and effective communication among team members as well as acquaintances surely earns you more respect and appreciation.

Be abreast of various established communication methods, and make use of them always to garner a good team’s performance.

Listen more

It is important to always listen to others patiently. Listening keenly to others especially supervisors, employers, and clients helps build a long-lasting connection and save effort and time, with the minimum likeliness of misunderstandings.

Be Confident

Being confident to pass messages across to your audience another helpful communication skill.

Remember, your audience is heterogeneous in nature and scattered around the world.

Having confidence will allow the building of an increased number of audiences as most businesses are looking out for employees that can perform numerous responsibilities and at a higher level.

Nowadays, there are various communication training courses that a lot of people have benefited from. These may come in form of handouts, visual clips, or audio recordings.

To improve the way you communicate, explore accredited courses that are put together by industry experts.

Having effective communication skills will allow you to communicate very well at an interview build effective relationships, handle and evaluate difficult situations with ease.

It will also assist when garnering more respect and trust from family, friends, colleagues, employers, and clients.

To be successful in life and at the workplace, elevate your communication standard and get rid of awkward happenings as a result of misunderstanding and error in communication between the sender and receiver.

Author Bio

The Editorial staff includes content researchers from various areas of knowledge. They add a plethora of expertise to the Hubslides Editorial team. They constantly and frequently oversee, produce and evaluate contents that are most ideal to aid impacting knowledge to readers.

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