How To Start An Essay

Riley White
Published: 2021-10-04
Views: 416
Author: Riley White
Published in: Publication
How To Start An Essay

Most students make the following error. A lot of writers especially those that are starting seem to have some challenges with starting an essay. A common mistake usually comes to play when people think of how to start a college essay, they think of writing a thesis statement.

Do not mix up an essay introduction and a thesis statement. A thesis is part of the introductory paragraph and serves to close it rather than to replace it.

How to start an essay

The introductory part of an essay introduction is the first paragraph of your work which gives you the opportunity to capture the reader's attention, provide context for your topic as well as establish the main reason for writing the essay.

The Aim of a Strong Introduction

Your introduction, in addition to being well-organized, informs the reader that what you've written is of interest.

What would entice someone to read your post?

Create an introduction that shows them they've arrived at the right place. Here are a few strategies and introduction examples to get you started.

What is an Introduction Paragraph?

When you read a piece of writing, the first paragraph is usually known as the introduction paragraph. This is common in most academic work.

The following are forms of writing that always demands an introduction paragraph:

  • Argumentative essays.
  • Book reports.
  • Research papers.
  • Even personal essays.

It does not matter if you are writing a research paper for a science class or an argumentative essay for English, you are expected to start your writing with an introduction paragraph.

What then is an Essay?

An essay is a written article that is intended to show an idea, make an argument, express emotion, or start a debate. This type of writing has a wide range of applications, including political manifestos and art criticism, and the author's observations and reflections.

An essay could be as brief as 500 words or as long as 4,000 words. It is very common to find most essay word count between 800 and 2200 words long. This word count gives the writer the opportunity to deeply develop an argument and the writer to persuade the reader of the author's point of view on the issue addressed by the essay.

There are so many essay topics, the limit depends on you. You can find topics ranging from the best form of government to common issues like the benefits of eating peppermint leaves every day.

As a professional custom writing service, we have assisted thousands of customers in completing essays in a variety of formats and disciplines.

The 3 Main Types of Essay and their Examples

#1. Narrative Essays

A narrative essay is usually related to a descriptive essay. The author of a narrative essay is expected to narrate the story.

The story could be true, based on personal experience, or it could be made up. It is a specific piece of writing in which the writer's point of view is made clear to the reader.

Writing a narrative essay appears to be a simple task, but it is the most creative type of writing. It pushes the writer to tell a story as vividly as possible.

#2. Descriptive Essays

Descriptive essays unlike narrative essays go into more detail on the traits and characteristics of people, objects, events, and feelings.

When you are writing a descriptive essay, you must give a thorough investigation of what you are writing about.

As a practical example, if are asked to write a descriptive essay on roses, you might like to include the following information:

  • Their historical origin
  • Their appearance
  • Their color
  • Their fragrance

It is best for you to work on engaging your reader's senses and emotions when writing a descriptive essay.

#3. Analytical Essay

The analytical essay examines the literary text under consideration. It is similar to an argumentative essay in that you must present your argument as well as a claim about your essay's topic.

The analytical essays are meant to improve the reader's understanding of the subject. This form of an essay offers enough evidence to help the reader understand the argument.

How to start an essay

How to Practically Start an Essay

#1. Write a Short and Catchy Hook

It is the first one or two sentences that will capture a reader's attention and provide context for your topic.

It establishes the tone for the rest of your essay, so don't rush through it and take your time writing it.

Consider a statement that provides some context for your topic so that readers understand what the issue is and why it is important enough to warrant their attention.

Keep it brief, relevant, and intriguing: Your hook should entice the audience to continue reading.

#2. State Your Position

This is the part the helps your readers to understand your position in the essay you are going to write. It shows the reader which aspect of the topic you will address as well as how you will respond to the problem.

In other words, define your position and the purpose of your essay.

3. Outline the Main Points of Your Essay

Make sure you write down a short overview of how you intend to approach the essay as well as what arguments you intend to use.

It will show readers what they can expect from your work.

Author Bio

The author is currently blog-walking, reading, researching, and writing about the most pressing global concerns. She is also quite interested in reviewing a variety of tips and tricks in a variety of industries.

The author's main aim is that the entire post will be extremely useful and valuable to the readers, as well as providing a solution to some key consumer issues.

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