Important Facts About A Leader And Leadership

Published: 2021-08-03
Views: 558
Author: Writer
Published in: Management
Important Facts About A Leader And Leadership

Very often we hear people use the word "leader" but do we know who a leader is? A leader is not just a person in charge of something a leader is more than that.

Who is a Leader?

A leader is a person who does not just lead but leads by example, a leader is a person who seeks to bring change and impact those around them they don’t just order people around they show them what is to be done and how it is to be down.

Leadership is the ability to make decisions where they are needed and to keep others on the right track.

All There Is To Know About A Leader And Leadership

Qualities of a Leader

A leader is expected to have certain qualities which will make him or her stand out and be a good leader here are some of the qualities of a good leader:

1. Accountability

A good leader is a person who can take responsibility for his or her actions and those who he leads without giving excuses or assigning blame to others.

A good leader is not an excuse giver they are responsible individuals who take responsibility and are always accountable for their actions.

2. Active listening

A great leader is a great listener, an active listener listens with their full attention and focuses on what is being said to make an accurate decision.

A leader is a problem solver and to solve a problem you must be willing to listen.

3. Eloquent communication

A good leader communicates eloquently in a way that the people they lead can easily understand. A leader speaks in a manner that makes others want to listen.

4. Collaboration

A good leader is must be willing and able to work with others as two heads are better than one. To go far you must be willing to seek help and support from others as a great leader is one who can work with others.

All There Is To Know About A Leader And Leadership

5. Courage

As a leader, you will be required to make decisions and stand your ground after making these decisions as there might be others who might want to stand against you and your decision to face these individuals you need to be courageous.

6. Patience

As a leader, you will be faced with various problems and to solve these problems you will need to be patient especially while dealing with those you lead.

7. Problem-solver

As a leader, you will be required to think fast and solve problems even faster. A great leader does not panic when faced with problems they take them on as overcome.

8. Innovation

A great leader should be able to come up with new ideas and make them work. Come up with new ways to tackle old and new issues.

9. Flexibility

A good leader must be willing to adapt and change as the occasion requires.

Leadership Styles

There are various styles of leadership and each leader has a specific style that works best for them.

If you've read this far, I'm sure you've determined if you possess any of the leadership qualities mentioned earlier, so the next step is to determine which leadership style works best for you.

All There Is To Know About A Leader And Leadership

Leadership Style 1: Democratic or Participative leadership style

This form of leadership involves a leader who is willing to seek the opinion of those who they lead before making a decision.

In this form of leadership, the opinion of others is not taking for granted and this makes it a very good leadership style as everyone is carried along and feels like a part of the decision-making team even though the final decision lies in the hands of the leader.

This leadership style is very effective has everyone gets to feel among.

Leadership Style 2: Autocratic leadership style

This style of leadership is the total opposite of the democratic leadership style and is not the best leadership style personally I have a strong dislike for it.

In this leadership style, the opinion of others does not count when it comes to decision making even when they are offered, they are ignored. This form of leadership is not very effective as no one likes to be bossed around or have their opinions tossed in the trash.

Leadership Style 3: Laissez-faire leadership style

This form of leadership style involves the delegation of duties to the subordinates without breathing down their necks. In this form of leadership, there is a delegation of duties which helps encourage creativity, accountability and great empowerment opportunities.

Leadership Style 4: Coaching leadership style

This form of leadership requires a person who seeks to help others find themselves by constantly motivating and assigning to them tasks that will help them grow to their full potential.

Because it requires more time than other leadership styles, the coach leadership style is frequently one of the most underutilized.

Leaders who coach are frequently regarded as valuable mentors. Coaching leadership is a positive experience that promotes confidence development.

All There Is To Know About A Leader And Leadership

Leadership Style 5: Transformational leadership style

Transformational leaders are motivated by organizational objectives rather than personal goals. Instead of being entirely goal-oriented, it also values the company's and team's ethics. They aim to attain the goals of the organization and they focus solely on it.

Leadership Style 6: Transactional leadership style

This form of leadership involves a form of reward which is given to an individual by the leader for a task well done. A very good example is the bonus given to workers who surpass their monthly or quarterly targets in an organization.

Leadership Style 7: Bureaucratic leadership style

This leadership is similar to autocratic leadership, though the leaders listen to their subordinates they often shade the inputs if they are not in line with the company's rules and regulations.

Very often it is said leaders are born but while that might be true leaders are also made either by experience or by learning about leadership skills.

To be a leader is not an easy task but it is a very great and empowering position that helps you help others and grow.

Author Bio

Writer comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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