Overcoming Public Speaking Fear

Published: 2021-04-19
Views: 542
Author: Contributor
Published in: Writing and Speaking
Overcoming Public Speaking Fear

While all of our activities include some kind of contact, a person's individuality from other people is expressed through speech.

Only humans are born with the gift of speech, and it is through this quality that we humans can express our uniqueness and essence.

In today's world, a person's ability to communicate clearly with his co-workers is often determined by his level of company, social, and personal satisfaction.

Communication abilities reveal who an individual is, what he desires, and what he believes.

Do you have a fear of speaking in public?

Fear of public speaking has nothing to do with speaking ability.

Since the fear of speaking stems entirely from the audience's reaction, it seems to be a fear of meeting the public.

There are a variety of reasons why people are afraid of public speaking.

  • Stage fright
  • Fear of facing the audience
  • Inferiority complex.
  • Naturally anxious
  • Fear of being judged
  • Past failure
  • Insufficient preparation

Characteristics of a strong public speaker

Speaking entails more than just saying a few sentences. Here are some of the top qualities of public speakers that you can use as well.

1. High-quality material

Even if you don't have charisma, you can create good content.  Often share something that the audience can find useful in their daily lives.

2. Entertaining

It's difficult to dislike someone with whom you share a joke.  Early in the program, the best speakers find a way to make the audience laugh.

It opens people's hearts and makes them more receptive as a collective. You don't have to be funny to be amusing.

3. It is well-organized

There is no need to ramble during a presentation. Make sure your notes are organized in a way that allows you to stay on track.

Listeners should have the impression that they got a message that was clear and easy to remember.

4. You are approachable

Some speakers try to get in and out as quickly as possible, but the audience appreciates knowing the speaker is available.

Getting to the event early and meeting people as they arrive is one of the best ways to make a positive first impression.

5. Reliability

It is said that genuine arrogance is preferable to feigned modesty.

We just want to know that people are being truthful with us and that we will get what we see.

By being the same around others, you will be true to yourself and others.

You won't feel like one person in front of an audience and another at other times this way.

6. Expansion

Great speakers continue to learn more about their craft and how to apply it.

They don't stop until they hit a certain stage. Instead, they continue to improve and stretch.

7. Giving

The best in this field offers without expecting anything in return.

The majority of well-known speakers donate anonymously to the charities and organizations that they care for.

In private, this giving attitude generates warmth and welcome in public.

8. Enthusiastic and natural

With words, you can move energy. The more emotion that flows through the post, the more likely it is to be remembered and implemented. Be natural and enthusiastic.

Guide to public speaking

A few tips from an experienced public speaking trainer can help you overcome your fear of public speaking:

  • To begin, talk about something from your past experiences or memories.
  • Talk about something you have been yearning to tell the audience
  • Instead of memorizing your speech word for word, consider narrating it like a story.
  • Increase your knowledge of the topic you are going to speak about by 10%.
  • Practice in front of the mirror many times.
  • Don't pretend to be like someone else; instead, be yourself.

What role does physiology play in a person's fear?

In response to a potentially violent danger, apprehension necessitates the activation of the nervous system.

Our minds prepare for battle when they dare. This hyper-arousal triggers a vulnerable fear experience, which limits an individual's ability to perform confidently in front of the public.

Finally, it prevents people from pursuing their fears and appreciating the benefits of public speaking.

How to overcome the fear of speaking in public

The only issues that communication capacity professionals have focused on in order to assist individuals in resolving are the causes of public speaking phobia.

There are several approaches to overcoming the fear of speaking in public and one of them is psychotherapy.

Some therapists address the importance of emphasizing others' mental aspects, the practical aspect of fear, and a few emphasize the components of behavior that reduce fear and anxiety associated with public speaking.


Cognitive-behavioral therapy has helped many people conquer their fear of speaking in public.

Working with a therapist will assist you in determining what is causing your anxiety. 

You and your therapist will work together to discuss your doubts and the negative feelings that accompany them.

Any negative feelings can be reshaped with the help of your therapist.

Author Bio

Contributor comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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