How To Start Conversation When Meeting New People

Published: 2021-08-19
Views: 674
Author: Contributor
Published in: Relationships
How To Start Conversation When Meeting New People

Have you ever tried to start a conversation but find it difficult? Although starting a conversation might be easy for some, a good number of people find it difficult to start a good conversation with other people.

We are going to give you sound tips on how you can quickly start a conversation and be good at it.

How to Start Conversation

How to Quickly Start Conversation

Now, imagine if you go to a new place or happen to meet someone for the first time, how would you strike a conversation with that person?

When it comes to conversation, it is great to quickly take full control over your thoughts and expectation. You practically don’t have much time to waste arguing within yourself whether you will be able to do it right or not.

So to get to the point, here are good ways to quickly strike a conversation with anyone.

#1. Get to know them by asking them to ‘Tell you about themselves.’

A good way to start a sound conversation is to quickly ask them to tell you about themselves. This question will give them the freedom to freely express themselves.

Hence, the people you will meet will freely express themselves comfortably without feeling being interrogated.  

#2. Maintain a good and comfortable degree of eye contact.

Don’t just look at the person, or steer at them. Maintaining good eye contact is all about paying good attention to what they are saying.

Hence, you wouldn’t expect anyone to be looking elsewhere for a long time when you are talking with them. This also applies to your new friend.

#3. Ensure you learn something about people you meet

Another good point that you need to take note of is to ensure that you find something new to learn about the person or people that you are going to meet.

This is very important because it will help you to stay focus during the conversation and also learning something new will give you the opportunity of becoming better friends.

You can quickly try to learn the following things about the new person.

  • It is cool to get to know about the work they do for a living.
  • Learn about where they are from, country, state, etc.
  • Find out what may be their future plans.

Don’t make it look like a school examination. Just make it feel natural when learning about these things from the people you will be having a conversation with.

How to Start Conversation
#4. Share something slightly personal

The conversation should not be a one-sided thing. Don’t just listen to them, add something to the conversation by sharing something about yourself.

This will make the person feel comfortable having the conversation with you. The people you are going to have a conversation with may also want to know something about you.

#5. Focus your attention on the conversation

Don’t get distracted by the thought of what you are going to say in the discussion. Always focus on the conversation.

The funny side is that when the person you are meeting has more to say may be due to their experiences and where they have traveled to.

Don’t feel intimidated by what you are going to tell the person and how the person may feel about your status.

Staying focus on the conversation will clear your mind of self-doubt.

How to Start Conversation

What You Should Say to Start a Conversation

Now let’s get to find out what you may likely say in a good conversation.

  • You can gently ask the person ‘what was their high-point and low-point of the day so far.’ This kind of question is okay when you meet someone who loves talking. Those who love to talk, especially the extroverts love this kind of question.
  • You can ask them “what the highlight of their week was.” This kind of question helps the other person to share good stories that they enjoy and would love to talk about.
  • When you meet someone who is just enjoying themselves. It is great to ask them if they are “having fun”. It is quite cool to sit next to someone at a table in a restaurant and simply ask, “Having a good time?” it is far better than the popular “How are you?”
  • You can ask, have you been to an event like this before? This helps to bring back memories ad stories about the events they have attended. In addition, sharing your own experience will give that strike in your conversation.
  • You can ask them, what was the highlight of their day? It is a little bit better than just asking the common “how are you?” also you will get a better response from them.

Now you can go out and freely enjoy good conversation with new people.

Regardless of class and where you come from, you can easily make conversation with the people that you are going to meet at parties such as birthdays, weddings, etc.

Author Bio

Contributor comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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