Tips On How To Start Podcasting In 2021

Published: 2021-05-25
Views: 602
Author: Editorial
Published in: Business
Tips On How To Start Podcasting In 2021

There are a lot of reasons to start a podcast. Growing your business, connecting with people in your niche, building a relationship with your audience, and self-fulfilment is just a few of the reasons.

There are over 1 million podcasts with over 30 million podcast episodes to listen to on various channels. This article will look at tips on how to start podcasting in 2021. 

how to start podcasting

These figures may seem intimidating, but with the right tools and information, you'll be able to carve out a niche for yourself in podcasting in no time.

Reasons for Podcasting

To promote their products and services, many businesses produce a podcast.

Today's Internet is all about building trust, and there's no better way to do that than by using your voice—the real you.

As a podcaster, you'll reach tens of thousands, if not millions, of people with your message.

Step to producing a podcast

In 2021, there are five steps to creating a podcast:

Step #1: Pick a topic that you're passionate about

You must choose a niche for your podcast, just as you would for blogging, that provides information that is in high demand among listeners.

You're one step closer to starting a successful podcast once you've decided on a specific niche to speak about.

Step #2: Decide on a title for your podcast

The title of your podcast can help the listener anticipate the content and purpose of your show. We recommend that you give your podcast's title some thought.

You have complete freedom in selecting a title that best represents your target audience. Here are a few things to think about when coming up with the perfect title.

how to start podcasting

Step #3: Make a good description

To entice listeners, write a descriptive paragraph about the contents of your show. This will aid them in deciding whether or not to stay and listen to the show.

You have complete control over the keywords and phrases that your target audience might use to find a podcast on your chosen niche/topic in the description.

The description should entice your audience to listen to your podcast by appealing to their senses.

You have enough space to explain what your podcast is about and why the listener should give it a chance.

Step #4: Have your visuals made

A square image or artwork that represents your show and the niche it belongs to will be required for the podcast. Although the majority of podcasts are audio-only, the visual medium is just as important.

To attract more viewers to your channel, invest in a good logo for your show. It's well worth the effort.

Step #5: Prepare your episodes ahead of time

Pre-planning is essential when it comes to podcasting because it can be a stressful process. To ensure that the quality of the show remains consistent throughout, every podcast must be pre-planned with a tailored approach.

  • Choose a topic for your podcast.
  • Select a podcasting format.
  • Solo style, interview style, news, and current events show, multi-host show
  • Determine the length of the podcast.

how to start podcasting

You must respect your audience's time and maintain a consistent episode length throughout the series.

Because most people listen to podcasts while commuting to and from work, twenty minutes is the ideal episode length for a podcast. If your audience wants more, you can analyze the data and adjust the length of your podcast.

Choose an entertaining format for your podcast, such as interviewing different people or changing the tempo, to keep the audience engaged. Because your audience will enjoy your content, the length of an episode will not matter as much if you add variety to your podcast.

Timetable for podcasts

The frequency with which you post new episodes is determined by your schedule. It's critical to the success of your podcast because it keeps your listeners engaged and anticipating the next episode.

According to statistics, a podcast that releases new episodes weekly grows at a much faster rate than one that publishes on a different schedule.

Requirements to start a podcast

  • Podcast recording equipment – starting at $60, you can get a great podcasting microphone.
  • Choose your audio editing software – to record and edit your episodes, you'll need audio editing software.
  • Upload your audio to your podcast hosting service and publish your podcast.
  • Submit your podcast's RSS feed URL to Apple Podcasts and Spotify to appear in their directory.
  • Use search engines, social media, and word of mouth to promote your podcast and gain more listeners.

how to start podcasting

Advantages of starting podcast

In a nutshell, there are five advantages to starting a podcast:

1. It allows you to establish authority and credibility within your industry or niche.

2. It's accessible to people all over the world, and the barrier to listening is, well, very low.

One of the biggest advantages of listening to podcasts is that you don't have to stop doing what you're doing right now to listen to one. Are you on the move? Laundry folding? No problem, just put your earbuds in and start listening!

3. Those who listen to podcasts are completely enamoured with the format.

4. A podcast can assist you in expanding your audience. High-quality podcasting gives you a reason to network with high-profile influencers, which is a great leveraging point.

5. And the best part is that once you've built a following, podcasting allows you to develop a close relationship with them: one in which they get to know, like, and trust you. This is where your influence is felt.


Podcasts are the most popular audio source among podcast listeners.

After all, no one will give you their time for free unless you offer them something in return. As the host of a podcast, you have a natural point of leverage that you can employ.

how to start podcasting

What you're offering is free publicity and exposure, and all they have to do is take 30 minutes out of their day to speak with you. Most people would be more than happy to make such a deal.

Not to mention the fact that, despite its small size, the podcasting community is incredibly active. The vast majority of podcasters are self-starters who are zealous about their subjects. You'll naturally be able to tap into that community.

Author Bio

The Editorial staff includes content researchers from various areas of knowledge. They add a plethora of expertise to the Hubslides Editorial team. They constantly and frequently oversee, produce and evaluate contents that are most ideal to aid impacting knowledge to readers.

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