How To Plan A Milk Bath Photography Shoot

Published: 2021-04-14
Views: 471
Author: Contributor
Published in: Photography
How To Plan A Milk Bath Photography Shoot

Milk bath photo shoots have recently become famous.

If you're doing it to commemorate a significant milestone in your breastfeeding journey, or just because they're so darn cute. Everyone wants photos of their precious children in a tub of milk.

Never be afraid. This is not a difficult job that you will have to pay a substantial amount of money to have done by an expert photographer.

Milk Bath photoshoot session

You can have your private milk bath photo session at the comfort of your own house

Milk bath maternity first appeared on the scene a few years ago and has since made us all swoon.

Maternity photographers have embraced this concept, and as you can see in the photos around you on various social media such as Instagram, they are putting their best into it. 

While we're on the subject of compliments, we'd like to thank those mothers, who must have thought their photographer was nuts when they proposed this concept but went ahead to have amazing photo sessions.

Health benefits of milk

Milk has many health benefits when eaten as part of a balanced diet, but many people are unaware that it can also be used in skincare.

Milk hydrates the epidermis and can be very healing for sunburns; it can also be used as a natural remedy to rejuvenate dry skin.

Adding milk to a bath is more convenient than applying it directly to the skin, and this method can be repeated when required.

What exactly is Milk Bath Photography?

In a nutshell, milk bath photography involves photographing a model as she is soaking in milk.

Many people associate this technique with the iconic photograph of Whoopi Goldberg peering out of a milk bath.

The photographer was Annie Leibovitz, and her shoot is credited as the inspiration for this widely popular idea.

Milk bath portrait photography is ideal for those who enjoy dreamy, atmospheric portraits. With the right props, you can turn your milk bath photos into stunning conceptual images.

White is synonymous with purity and softness.

This is why milk baths for babies and maternity photos are so common.

A milk bath may be used to highlight the size of a baby bump. Or simply to make your model feel good in her own skin.

4 Milk Bath Photoshoot Suggestions

Here are suggestions to have a successful milk bath photoshoot

Set the camera mode

Manual shooting is the easiest way to choose the best camera mode. It helps you to adjust the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO to fit the situation.

You are free to use the flash as you see fit. Using the flash will allow you to create a variety of artistic effects in your photographs.

Automatic mode is simpler, but it may switch on the flash when it is not needed.

Natural shadows are eliminated, leaving only the foreground highlighted. Portraits and closeups were taken in automatic mode lack volume and render faces to appear flat.

Since the camera is unable to decide which shutter speed is needed in this situation, the picture can be blurry.

Select the best color and design

Adding milk or cream to the water is a tried and true way to make it white, and for colored milk bath photography, you will need to look for unique non-toxic dyes.

Flowers and grass look fantastic in clear water, but only non-sinkable flowers, such as dried flowers, are evident in colored muddy water.

The others will safely sink to the bathroom's floor and you will never see them again.

Place it in the correct location before entering the bathroom. During normal shooting, you can move closer to the light or turn to face it.

A cast-iron bathtub filled with water and a human is intolerable. Right now, consider camera angles and lighting.

Use any form of milk, including powder

Since the milk will not be drunk, be careful if the bath is for babies and toddlers though, it is possible to photograph a milk bath with ordinary milk powder.

It is possible to achieve the minimum necessary whiteness of water depending on its quantity, but it is unlikely to save money.

Experiment with different props

How do you milk bath photography while remaining original and avoiding cliche?

Putting the model in the milk bath is already a brave move.

Attach any additional backdrops you can find. Every shade of flower, different sizes of branches, glitter, and color will help to create a new interpretation of the same face.

Butterflies may contribute to the appearance of a summer mood.

Orange leaves like Autumn-colored ones will transform a photo session into a stylish composition.

Blue and white glitters create a queen-like image. Definitely, a popular question, especially when dealing with flowers in the milk bath photo session.

Unfortunately, unless you go with plastic flowers (which may sink), fake fabric flowers just won't float or retain their look for long, as well the colors are more likely to run into the water.

Natural flowers can float, but maybe upside down at times, and their colors can begin to run if they are bright and soaking for an extended period of time, however, the results are far superior. So, spend a bit more and get the genuine props for this one.

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Contributor comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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