5 Best Apps For Selling Merchandise Online

Published: 2021-10-28
Views: 394
Author: TracyJ
Published in: Local & Foreign Business
5 Best Apps For Selling Merchandise Online

There are numerous online selling apps that you can use to make money – but which ones are the best for selling items for you?

Do you require a clothing selling app, furniture selling app, or a general buy and sell app?

We have you covered whether you want to sell shoes, DVDs, or sports equipment.

How to Sell Things Online

Let’s find out the best ways that you can sell online using apps that have been developed to help you sell your business products as well as services.

If you're concerned that it will be too technical, take too long, or be too expensive, don't be: we'll walk you through it step by step.

With the aid of these apps, selling online has become easy as well as quick, this is due to the store builders.

#1. eBay

eBay is one of the best online platforms for auction-style sales. It has other selling formats for you to start selling anything from clothing to electronics to baby gear to cars.

5 Top Apps For Selling Merchandise Online

If you decide to sell via auction, simply set a starting price and wait for bids from interested buyers. In the auction-style sales on eBay, the highest bidder at the end of the auction window is the winner of the sale.

Auctions can last one, three, five, seven, or ten days. You can even choose to automatically relist unsold items.  If you're concerned that your asking price is too high, allow buyers to make an offer so that you can negotiate.

On the platform, most of the listings are usually free, but sales will incur a final value fee. This is then calculated as a percentage of the final selling price, you should also note that this varies by item.

#2. Letgo

The next app for selling things online is the Letgo app. This app is one of the most popular and rapidly expanding apps for buying and selling locally.

The Letgo app will allow you to sell almost anything. It is a very simple app that you can easily use.

All you need to do is to snap a photo of the item you want to sell, upload the image, and then enter some basic information, in addition to the price you want to charge. When you have carried out the simple steps, you can then begin messaging potential buyers. They even provide automated responses, making it easier to communicate with potential buyers.

Top Apps for Selling Online

The app would help you to advertise the product that you would be selling. But, it is up to you to complete the sale.

This means there is no payment integration in the app; you will have to figure out how to accept payments as well as how to pick up the items separately.

#3. OfferUp

The OfferUp selling platform will let you sell anything from used cars to clothes to furniture.

All you are expected to do after opening an account with the platform is to upload photos of the item, then enter a title, category, condition, item description, location, and price.

When you have fully set up your product on OfferUp, buyers can then request additional information about the item or make an offer.

It is open for you to choose whether to sell the item locally or ship it nationwide with OfferUp.

When it comes to payment, for local sales, you are going to receive your payment locally, you will be paid directly by the seller when they receive the item.

Top Apps for Selling Online

Another noteworthy point is that if you choose to ship, you will be compensated through the OfferUp app.

#4. Amazon

Amazon is the largest platform that you can use to sell almost anything. There are some categories that require Amazon approval as well as an upgraded selling plan.

It all depends on the type of selling plan that you have chosen, Amazon usually charges a variety of fees on the items sold.

For example, when you select the standard Individual selling plan, the Amazon platform will charge you 99 cents per item sold, in addition to a referral fee.

You should also note that the referral fee is a percentage of the item's total sale price, which also includes the shipping costs with the exclusion of taxes. This percentage range from 8% to 20%.

You must also pay a $1.80 closing fee if you are selling media items such as books, movies, or video games.

The Professional selling plan has a $39.99 monthly subscription fee, but you don't have to pay 99 cents per item like the Individual plan.

#5. GSALR.com

GSALR.com is designed specifically for garage sales. Simply enter your location into the search and you'll get a list of all the garage sales in your area.

These garage sales are identified by a red flag, which you can click to learn more about the sale. Details will include, among other things, the time and location. When you find a garage sale you want to visit, click the "View Route & Directions" button to get directions.

If you're looking for a specific product, you can simply browse the listings or look through the photos of each individual product. You can also use keywords to narrow down the hundreds of listings displayed.

To keep track of all the garage sales that are going on, add them to your favorites list by clicking the favorite button on the garage sale page.

Where to Sell Your Phone Online

1. Swappa

Swappa is a free-to-use online marketplace.

To sell your phone one Swappa, it is expected that you factory reset your phone. Although, you are not responsible for any returns if a buyer purchases an unlocked phone that is incompatible with their network.

2. Gazelle

On the Gazelle platform, you can sell all types of phones, which includes iPhones, Samsung phones as well as Google phones.

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