Concerns Raised Regarding AI

Published: 2023-05-09
Views: 218
Author: Editorial
Published in: Technology
Concerns Raised Regarding AI

Concerns have been raised that artificial intelligence could be used by “bad actors” and make it harder to spot scams and misinformation.

Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak who gave the warning said AI content should be clearly labelled, and called for regulation for the sector.

Mr Wozniak told BBC that he does not believe AI will replace people because it lacks emotion.

However he warned that it will make bad actors more convincing because programmes such as ChatGPT can create text that “sounds so intelligent”.

He urged regulators to hold to account the big tech firms that “feel they can kind of get away with anything”, but was sceptical regulators would get it right.

Wozniak is one of Apple’s co-founders with the late Steve Jobs and invented the company’s first computer

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