
There are 15 articles in this article category.

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How To Train An Aggressive Dog

How To Train An Aggressive Dog Published:  2021-02-23 
Views:  1127
Author:  Editorial
Published In:  Dogs


Identifying who he is violent towards is the first step to educating an aggressive dog. Does your dog display signs of abuse against a specific family member or acquaintance, strangers, or other animals? . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ How To Train An Aggressive Dog

What To Look For In Quality Dog Food

What To Look For In Quality Dog Food Published:  2021-03-28 
Views:  461
Author:  Jummie
Published In:  Animal food


When you're caring for a dog, make sure you're feeding it the best food you can. If you don't choose options that include only nutritious ingredients that are good for your pet, there . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ What To Look For In Quality Dog Food

Step In Training Your Dog To Be A Security Dog

Step In Training Your Dog To Be A Security Dog Published:  2021-03-28 
Views:  449
Author:  Johnny
Published In:  Animal Training


For several years, dogs have been used to provide protection in people's homes. Finding a loyal friend to keep your home healthy can be the most enjoyable thing you can do. Your dog does not have to be a specific breed . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Step In Training Your Dog To Be A Security Dog

Simple Tips In Crate Training Your Dog

Simple Tips In Crate Training Your Dog Published:  2021-03-29 
Views:  468
Author:  Marigold
Published In:  Animal Training


What exactly do we mean when we say "crate training"? A crate is basically an enclosed container used to carry an animal on an airplane or inside your house. They are made of plastic and have a vented "window" area on either side . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Simple Tips In Crate Training Your Dog

Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats

Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats Published:  2021-04-11 
Views:  590
Author:  Contributor
Published In:  Animal food


One of the many ways we express our appreciation to our families and friends, among many others, For us, who love to cook and bake, is to show wonderful cooking and baking is. When you have a lovable dog as a member of the family, it' . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats

10 Best Tips For Dog Training That You Can Easily Follow

10 Best Tips For Dog Training That You Can Easily Follow Published:  2021-04-20 
Views:  383
Author:  Marigold
Published In:  Animal Training


It's a joy and happiness to have a well-trained and obedient dog around your home, friends, and family. It isn't until the time you come to meet an untrained dog that you will . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ 10 Best Tips For Dog Training That You Can Easily Follow

How To Crate Train Your Dogs – Friendly Tips That Works

How To Crate Train Your Dogs – Friendly Tips That Works Published:  2021-04-20 
Views:  394
Author:  Contributor
Published In:  Animal Training


Crate training is a form of teaching your puppy or dog how to go outside and go potty. When you are unable to supervise your dog, the crate is used to keep him contained. . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ How To Crate Train Your Dogs – Friendly Tips That Works

Dog With Separation Anxiety Symptoms

Dog With Separation Anxiety Symptoms Published:  2021-04-20 
Views:  442
Author:  Jummie
Published In:  Dogs


Because dogs are highly social animals who are pre-programmed to live in packs, alone time can be difficult for them to handle. Many dogs can learn to tolerate being alone for short periods of time, others grow . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Dog With Separation Anxiety Symptoms

How To Keep Pet Birds At Home

How To Keep Pet Birds At Home Published:  2021-04-20 
Views:  551
Author:  Contributor
Published In:  Animal Health


Birds are one of the country's most serious agricultural production issues. Birds will wreak havoc not only on crops, but also on your yard, the playground at school, the parking lot at work, and a variety of other places where birds live. There . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ How To Keep Pet Birds At Home

Why Is My Dog Shaking?

Why Is My Dog Shaking? Published:  2021-05-03 
Views:  472
Author:  Lilytoo
Published In:  Dogs


If your dog suddenly starts acting frightened and trembling and has never done so before, you can conduct a thorough examination to see if anything has actually scared them. You can also decide whether there is an . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Why Is My Dog Shaking?

Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

Why Does My Dog Eat Grass? Published:  2021-07-18 
Views:  398
Author:  Writer
Published In:  Animal Health


Is your pet dog constantly chewing on the grass in the yard? Are you debating whether or not you should let them eat it? If you ask a veterinarian, they will most likely tell you that this is perfectly normal and that many . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

How To Care For Dog With Down Syndrome

How To Care For Dog With Down Syndrome Published:  2021-08-09 
Views:  385
Author:  Contributor
Published In:  Animal Health


Health issues can cut across both humans and animals. You need to understand that both humans and animals like dogs do fall sick, sometimes they share the same health issue. For example. Humans as well as dogs also suffer from anxiety, diabetes, and cancer. What is down . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ How To Care For Dog With Down Syndrome

How to Train a Dog to Sit In An Easy Way

How to Train a Dog to Sit In An Easy Way Published:  2021-09-29 
Views:  334
Author:  Contributor
Published In:  Animal Training


It is critical to begin training in a quiet and tranquil environment, such as your living room, where there are no distractions, interruptions, or temptations, and when both you and your dog are happy and comfortable. You'll be able to concentrate and succeed at the . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ How to Train a Dog to Sit In An Easy Way

Steps To Teach A Dog To Come

Steps To Teach A Dog To Come Published:  2021-10-02 
Views:  281
Author:  Contributor
Published In:  Dogs


Teach your dog to come as early as possible in the training process. This is extremely important because it could prevent difficult situations both with other dogs and with people. If you are out in the park and another dog becomes aggressive then being able to call your dog . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Steps To Teach A Dog To Come

Tip On Pain Relief For Dogs

Tip On Pain Relief For Dogs Published:  2021-10-13 
Views:  285
Author:  Riley White
Published In:  Dogs


Just as humans can feel pain, so also pets can are vulnerable to injuries and diseases that can cause excruciating pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be prescribed by your veterinarian to assist you . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Tip On Pain Relief For Dogs