10 Fastest Trains In The World 2021

Published: 2021-09-24
Views: 1065
Author: Contributor
Published in: News
10 Fastest Trains In The World 2021

At the beginning of the industrial age, trains were used for different purposes. Most of those trains were very slow. In today’s information age and high technology. Modern trains have some considerable speed that can be compared with some racing cars and even planes.

On the list, you will discover the speed of the train, when it was launched as well as the length of the trains.

#10.  The Talgo 350

The Talgo 350 which is also known as T350 was developed by Patentes Talgo. Talgo 350 is 656ft 2 inches in length. The most important factor that placed it on our list is the speed which is 217 mph.

The Talgo 350 train was officially launched in Spain in February 2005. It was manufactured by Patentes Talgo and Bombardier Transportation.

#9 AGV Italo

The number nine position of the list of the fasted train is occupied by the AGV Italo. The official record of the length of AGV Italo is 433feet 0.85inches. AGV Italo has was built with a top speed level of 224 mph.

fastest trains in the world

AGV Italo which was open Italy in April 2012 was constructed by Alstom and operated by Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori.

#8. Siemens Velaro

Siemens Velaro is another top speed train found among some of the fasted trains in the world. It has a length of about 656ft. Its speed is 250 mph.

Siemens Velaro was built by Siemens and was launched in Spain in 2006.

#7. Frecciarosa 1000

The Italy Frecciarossa 1000 is a fast train designed with a speed of 250 mph. it is 662.33ft long and it is the seventh fasted train in the world.

It was built by AnsaldoBreda and Bombardier Transportation in Italy and was launched in April 2015.

#6. Fuxing Hao CR 400AF/BF

This is one of the fasted trains in china as well as the number 6th in the world. The CR400AF train has a top limit of 260mph and a length of 685ft.

It was built by 3 major companies which include CRRC Qingdao Sifang, CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles as well as CRRC Tangshan Railway Vehicle.

It was officially launched in June 2015.

#5. HEMU-430X

HEMU-430X is another top-speed Asian train. Although with a length of 484ft, its speed is 267mph.

HEMU-430X was built by Hyundai Rotem, and was officially launched in South Korea in May 2012.

#4. Shanghai Maglev

Shanghai Maglev is the second fastest train on our list that operates in China. It has a light of 18.02 mi with a top speed of 268mph.

fastest trains in the world

A joint venture between Siemens and ThyssenKrupp Shanghai Maglev saw the development of manufactured by Shanghai Maglev. After it was completed and tested, It was then officially launched in China in December 31, 2002.

#3. Harmony CRH 380A

The Harmoney CRH380A is the third-fastest speed in the world. It is 666ft long and runs at a top speed of 302 mph.

It was manufactured by CRRC Qingdao Sifang and is operated by China Railway. It was officially launched in 2010.


TGV POS is the second top speed train on our list. It has a length of 656ft and was built with a speed of 357.2 mph.

It was manufactured by Alstom and is also operated by the French national rail company SNCF. It was officially launched in France in the year 2006.

#1. L0 Series Maglev

The number one fasted train in the world according to our rating is the L0 Series Maglev. It has a length of 980.971 ft. It can run at a top speed of 375mph.

It was built by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Nippon Sharyo. It is operated by JR Central. It was officially launched in Japan in November 2012.

 We hope you have found the 10 fastest trains in the world. We believe more will be coming years.



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Contributor comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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