The Business Communication Process

Published: 2024-02-21
Views: 374
Author: Contributor
Published in: Business
The Business Communication Process

Any business that wants to succeed needs to have effective communication. The exchange of information between individuals both inside and outside of the business setting is referred to as "business communication." General communication is the source of the term "business communication," which refers to communication related to business operations. Stated differently, "business communication" refers to conversations or exchanges between parties involved in business for tasks related to business.

Business communication can be defined as the sharing of information between people within and outside the organization that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organization. It can also be defined as relaying of information within a business by its people.


Importance of Business Communication

1. Efficient functioning of the undertaking                          

Every type of organization whether small or big, public or private, communication plays a vital role. It is said that “good communication is good business.”

The efficient performance of employees of an organization depends on effective communication within the organization.

2. Facilitates decision making

Desired results of an organization largely depend on the right decision at the right time. A communication system is a prerequisite for making a sound decision.

The quality of decision-based on the availability of data, facts, reports discussions and other means of communication. It is also essential to communicate a decision to the person concerned for effective implementation.

3. Proper planning

Communication also facilitates effective planning According to Koontz and O’Donnell “Effective planning occurs when everyone responsible for it has access to complete information affecting areas of planning.” Thus, communication is required not only for effective planning but also to ensure its better implementation.

4. Minimize Organizational Conflicts

In an organization where various employees are working at different level, the conflicts arise due to one or more reasons. Proper communication reduces the conflicts by developing understanding. Communication helps them to know the views, problems, and thoughts of others.

Types of Business Communication

1. Internal Business Communication

Internal Business Communication means communication that occurs within the members of the organization. This communication includes both formal and informal communication. Also, different departments that transmit communication by different means to employees come under internal communication.

2. Horizontal/Lateral Business Communication

Lateral or horizontal communication is related to communication among co-workers i.e. either verbal communication or written communication. This may include inter-departmental communication or communication between cross-departments and can be between people of the same or similar rank in a company.

3. External Business Communication              

Communication with people who are external to the organization is known as external business communication. These people can be customers or shareholders or suppliers or partners or regulatory bodies, etc.

Business Communication Methods

1. In-person (Face-to-Face) Business Communication: In-person communication is the most common and preferred method of business communication. As it is generally in the form of meetings or conferences which is face to face communication format. This requires refined in-person skills. This method also includes non-verbal communication i.e., body language.

2. Communication by Email System: An e-mail has become the most widely used communication system in any business. Due to its feature of sending and receiving mass or multiple messages at a time, email is considered as one of the preferred methods in business communication.

3. Written Communication: Written business communication is a formal and detailed form of communication than other methods. Different written communication tools include formal letters, brochures, posters, etc.

Business Communication Functions

1. Providing adequate feedback: Providing timely and accurate feedback to employees and customers is also an important function of business communication. The performance of employees can be enhanced by providing regular feedback to them regarding their work performance and competencies.

2. Employee motivation for better decision-making: Communication in businesses is used in a strategic form to enhance the decision-making capability of employees related to their daily activities and for their long-term objectives related to the business.

3. Communicating job functions to employees: Informing about assigned job roles is a crucial key function of business communication. Team members having clarity on expected job tasks and how they can contribute to achieving objectives of the organization by fulfilling their job functions, they can contribute more to the completion of their assigned tasks.

4. Building social bonds: Communication has a critical role in supporting employees to build a social circle or bond. Some organizations have an open culture or work environment in which employees from all levels can communicate with each other and their superiors freely. Other organizations prefer to follow a hierarchy or chain of command in communication.

5. Convincing clients: Business communication is also often used to convince prospective customers, clients and business partners in order to finish a business deal or transaction. This type of communication can be in both oral and written form like a Sales Officer may convince a client on phone call or in written form i.e. providing a mass advertisement in magazine or newspaper for a new product launch or exciting offers on existing products.


Author Bio

Contributor comprises full-time and freelance writers that form an integral part of the Editorial team of Hubslides working on different stages of content writing and publishing with overall goals of enriching the readers' knowledge through research and publishing of quality content. 

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