9 Must-Have Information Technology Tools For Small Businesses

Published: 2021-04-19
Views: 613
Author: Johnny
Published in: Hardware
9 Must-Have Information Technology Tools For Small Businesses

When providing Information technology (I.T) support to small businesses, the following issues often arise:

  • What should we do to make a customer's current setup better?
  • How can introducing new hardware/services provide a consumer with obvious benefits?
  • How do you save time and money by implementing IT changes?

If you are asking these questions for your own company, here is some helpful information to go through.

In this article, nine products and services will be explained that all small businesses can profit from.

Operating framework for servers

This is one of the most recommended to any and all small businesses.

Since security and network resources are managed centrally, you can spend more time working on your business rather than having to run an office full of individual computers. Apparently, this article is geared toward small businesses, Microsoft Small Business Server comes in handy.

Microsoft Small Business Server allows the server technology that was previously only accessible to large corporations available to small businesses at a reasonable cost.

Exchange, Sharepoint, Update Services, and a variety of other tools are among them.


A firewall protects your company from cyber-threats through the internet.

Web content filtering, gateway antivirus, and VPN networking are all features that modern firewalls can offer.

A firewall is a good investment for any business that values its data.

It helps you to defend your network and data against external threats, giving you peace of mind that your networks are safe.

Antivirus Security Software

Viruses, like spam, are an issue that affects all computer users.

Selecting the right anti-virus product ensures that you get the best security for your money while also reducing the software's performance effect on your computer.

If you choose the right product, switching to one with a smaller device footprint provides performance benefits as well as improved security.

Offsite Spam filtering

Every day, billions of spam messages are sent; this is a challenge that most small businesses are confronted with.

When you add up the amount of time you and your employees spend going through and deleting spam over the course of a year, and the cost of that time to your company, it quickly becomes clear that efficient spam filtering can save you a lot of time and money.

Client Operating software

In terms of manageability and the ongoing effort required to help them individually, these are a time drain.

The best choice is to install XP Pro or Vista Business/Ultimate, which not only provides better security and sharing options but also allows you to enter a domain while upgrading to a server.

You should be using one of these items if you already have a server.

If not, now is the time to think about the advantages of making a shift.

However, you could be running an out-of-date (needs updating) OS or a home version of XP or Vista, always upgrade to the latest version.

Backup plan

There should be a backup solution in place for any company! That's right, everybody can keep a copy of their important data on their computer.

Consider what would happen if your office burned down, destroying all of your records. How would you react?

Some individuals back up to an external computer and then leave it connected to the PC; this isn't a good idea if there's a fire.

Backups must be performed on a regular basis and taken offsite, either automatically or by manually transporting backup media to a safe location.

The time and effort saved by getting a good backup could mean the difference between rebuilding and going out of business.

Office Suite software

Microsoft Office is worth the price for all its features be it Word, Presentation, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and particularly Outlook when used in conjunction with an exchange server.

Because of the interplay between the office suite and collaboration functionality, it should be considered a must-have for all small businesses.

Hardware for servers

It is important to choose the right server hardware to secure your data and network infrastructure.

This is where the network's core data will be stored and used to configure and manage it.

You must consider redundancy, such as RAID, in the event of a disk failure, as well as your server's performance requirements.

If you need to run resource-intensive programs, you will need a server with a higher specification than someone who only wants to share files.

UPS (Uninterrupted power supply)

A UPS should always be purchased when buying a server.

The UPS can protect your server from power surges and will keep it online in case of a power outage.

Another benefit of an uninterrupted power supply machine is that it can be configured to cleanly shut down your server when the UPS's battery power runs out.

This can help protect your server from the harm that a sudden power loss can cause.

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