Frequently Asked Questions

How can I register, login and reset my account?

How can I register, login and reset my account?

To Register a new account, click on login/register on the right top side of the site.

To log in to an existing account, click on login/register on the right top side of the site.

Click on forget the password, if you wish to reset your password/username.

What Should I do if my Article is Rejected?

What Should I do if my Article is Rejected?

Your article got rejected because it does not meet the terms and conditions and Content Guidelines of HubSlides. However, you have the opportunity to contact our Editorial Team on this matter through for advice.

Once you are able to comply with the issues raised, you are free to resubmit your article once again.

How much does it take to publish on Hubslides’ platform?

How much does it take to publish on Hubslides’ platform? does not ask any users or authors to pay a certain fee prior to sharing their knowledge on the platform. You have the opportunity to report to any cases of such or if you find any related content on the internet whereby it is mentioned that authors have to pay to maintain their accounts.

How many articles can authors submit per day?

How many articles can authors submit per day?

You can submit an unlimited number of quality, unique articles on our platform as long as they conform to our terms and conditions and content guidelines.

Don’t hesitate to contact the Editorial Team through if you require further explanations on our terms & conditions and content guidelines.

Why was my content removed?

Why was my content removed?

Your content was removed as it does not conform to HubSlides Content Guidelines.

Can I open new account with banned email?

Can I open new account with banned email?

No. We do not allow any users to re-register with a banned email.

What kinds of topics are available on the platform?

What kinds of topics are available on the platform?

HubsSlides gives everyone access to contribute by sharing their knowledge or discoveries on various topics which could be categorized on the available ones on the Homepage.

However, if you are not able to find a suitable category for your content, you can email the Editorial Team via to report your concern.

How many links or videos can I add to my content?

How many links or videos can I add to my content?

HubSlides allows a considerable amount of links and videos to be embedded by authors. Please check here to see the content word count and corresponding links and videos that are allowed.