How Fast Can You Learn A New Skill?

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Johnny posted 2 years ago #5

Let’s be frank. I’m sure you are aware that we all need skills to succeed in life. All of our schooling is just for us to be able to learn skills that will help us to gain better opportunities in life.

But, how often do we find graduates with underdeveloped skills? After graduating from their respective higher institution, most graduates may start wondering about the skills they have learned while in school.

My surprise question to you is this, ‘should graduates learn new skills after graduation?’ I know you will say ‘yes.’ This leads me to the second question, ‘how fast can you learn a new skill?’

Recently, I stumbled upon a researched article that suggested a period of ten years to learn and master a skill. Do you think many people would take out ten years of their life to learn and master a new skill?

Also, from my experience, I think it may be tough for many adults with responsibility on them to go all out and learn new skills.

Since we all need skills to succeed in life. What do you think anyone that wants to learn a new skill should consider before taking the first step?

Marigold posted 2 years ago #6

it took me 6 months to learn sowing and 6 weeks to learn knitting.

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