What are the 3 things that scares people from starting a business?

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Contributor posted 2 years ago #30

The result of a successful business is always attractive to many people. While a lot of people have been wishing and dreaming of starting their business someday, some few people who are courageous enough have jumped in and are growing their business.

What could be the reason why so many people are scared of starting their business. The 3 things that I have seen from experience and observation that usually scare people are:

  • Stories of failed businesses. When so many people read and listen to the stories of those who have tried and failed with a huge amount of losses, they may become scared. The question is will you allow other people’s stories to scare you?
  • Fear of the possible outcome of the business they intend to start.
  • Loss of money.

The 3 points above are tied to money and the outcome of the intended business. Have you come across people who dream of starting their business? What do you think has kept them from starting?

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