What are the 4 things that makes people dislike politicians?

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Contributor posted 2 years ago #29

Politicians are a group of people who face diverse views from the people they live with. When you take a close observation, you will find out that before the election, there seems to be a divided view regarding those seeking various offices.

But, after they have been elected I have also observed that it only takes some time before the dislike of these same politicians start coming out.

What then are some of the things people dislike about politics? Some of these things might be

  • Most politicians don’t end up keeping to their words. This alone has caused the dislike of political officeholders.
  • Nepotism: this sometimes could lead to the dislike of the person in the office as seen in any part of the world.
  • Poor leadership: there is no way voters can be happy with political office holders who are poor leaders.
  • Corruption: While corruption may not directly come from the political office holders, many people understand that with easy access to the state funds, some political office holders may abuse the fund.

In your opinion, what do you think makes people dislike political office holders?

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