How Can Parent of the Rich Help their Children to Remain Rich?

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Contributor posted 2 years ago #27

A lot of people are seriously working hard to become very rich. Some are already enjoying their accumulated wealth while many others are still working their way up.

Money is good, it makes life very easy and like it is commonly said, “money moves things”.

The main crux of the matter is when the millionaires and billionaires not excluding those with thousand ends up having a family with children.

How will they help their children to continue making more money?

I have seen the children of some millionaires losing it especially when the parent that worked for the money is no more.

On the other hand, some pareant have been able to groom their children to keep making more money.

Have you seen any of these scenarios? What do you think might be the cause of the downward trend in terms of making money for the children of some wealthy people?

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