Why is the Children of Famous People Become Less Famous?

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Contributor posted 2 years ago #26

History has left us with so many famous people who did great stuff and some of them were wealthy during their time. When you look through careers like music, sport, business, you will see what I am talking about.

But, I am baffled by the fact that we don’t get to hear much about their children. Even when the children of these famous men and women go into the same career as their parents.

What might be the striking force that affects the children of the famous from being famous?

Could it be that they have grown under a big tree that did not allow them to feel the hit from the sun as well as grow the strength and muscle to make themselves famous as their parent?

Although, you will agree with me that there are few famous children of famous parents. But there are many infamous children of famous children.

Again, don’t get me wrong on this, fame is not a yardstick for success. But, if I happen to have a famous dad or mum, that should also propel me to be more famous. Don’t you think so?

Can you share the names of famous people whose children you can’t even recall their names?

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