What Were You Told that No Longer Holds True?

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Contributor posted 2 years ago #13

As children, we were told a lot of things. Those adults around us felt the need to educate us about what they think is true.

But as time passes by, there is usually this discovery that changes our view of some of those things we were taught while still tender.

One of those things I was told especially in my career was to study chemical engineering because it was lucrative and there are many jobs after graduation.

But the reverse seems to be the case, especially in today's world.

A lot of parents have stunted the career of their children because of the ill advice given to these kids when they were growing up.

The worst of all is the way we were told to view failure. If I knew what I know today, I wouldn’t even listen to such advice.

In your own case, what were you told when you were much younger but doesn’t seem to be seen as true today?

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