TikTok Reviews Mystery Behind How It Recommends Videos To Users

Published: 2022-12-21
Views: 289
Author: Editorial
Published in: Entertainment
TikTok Reviews Mystery Behind How It Recommends Videos To Users

TikTok says it is starting to roll out a new feature that will provide more insight for how the platform's algorithms suggest films in your "For You" stream. With this, you may pick the question mark symbol labeled "Why this video" by clicking the share button on the video.

From there, TikTok claimed you may learn more about some of the justifications for why a specific video was suggested to you.

One of these explanations is "user interactions," which refers to the content you watch, like, or share as well as the comments you post and the things you search for on the app; another is "accounts you follow or suggested accounts for you;" a third is "content posted recently in your region;" and a fourth is "popular content in your region."

The new change follows increasing concern that TikTok's formidable algorithm could take users—especially its youngest ones—down alarming rabbit holes, including exposing them to potentially hazardous topics like the content on weight disorders and suicide.

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